Usage of the Web GUI
User Manual 4901.4026.02 ─ 01
Confirm the network key in the following prompt.
After confirmation, the SSID is changed. The following status information is displayed.
In the "LAN" tab, the LAN settings can be configured.
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LAN Connection
Specify the configuration details for the LAN connection.
State (LAN) ← LAN Connection
Displays the state of the LAN connection
connected | disconnected
TCP/IP Mode (LAN) ← LAN Connection
The IP address can be assigned automatically via DHCP ("DHCP") or manually as
fixed IP address ("Static").
IP Address (LAN) ← LAN Connection
Specify the IP address of the R&S TSMA6B.
Subnet Mask (LAN) ← LAN Connection
Specify the subnet mask for the R&S TSMA6B.
Default Gateway (LAN) ← LAN Connection
Specify the default gateway.
DNS Servers(s) (LAN) ← LAN Connection
Specify the DNS server. It is possible to specify a primary and a secondary DNS