GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Number of Points
Sets the total number of measurement points per sweep. The minimum number of
points is 1 (measurement at a single frequency/power/time value). The maximum
depends on the analyzer type.
Sets the total number of measurement points per sweep. The minimum number of
points is 1 (measurement at a single frequency/power/time value), the maximum is
Together with the sweep range defined in the
of the "Stimulus" softtool,
this parameter defines the grid of sweep points. The step width between two consecu-
tive sweep points is constant on a linear scale (sweep types "Lin Freq", "Time" and
"CW Mode") or on a logarithmic scale (sweep types "Log Freq" and "Power").
The sweep points for linear frequency sweeps can also be defined using the
Tip: Measurement time and screen resolution
Increasing the number of sweep points improves the resolution of the trace but increa-
ses the measurement time. The overall measurement time is composed of the hard-
ware settling time at the beginning of the sweep plus the sum of the measurement
times at each individual sweep point. Hence the measurement time increases roughly
linearly with the number of points.
See also
Chapter 4.1.4, "Sweep control"
Remote command:
Freq Step Size
Sets the distance between two consecutive sweep points of a linear frequency sweep.
For linear frequency sweeps the step size is an alternative to the
If the sweep range is defined via "Start Frequency" and "Stop Frequency", both the
"Stop Frequency" value and the "Number of Points" can vary as the "Freq Step
Size" is changed. The "Stop Frequency" value is changed as little as possible so
that the condition
"Freq Step Size" = ("Stop Frequency" – "Start Frequency") / ("Number of Points" –
can be fulfilled. Changing the "Start Frequency" and "Stop Frequency" modifies the
"Freq Step Size".
If the sweep range is defined via "Center Frequency" and "Span Frequency", both
the "Span Frequency" value and the "Number of Points" can vary as the "Freq Step
Size" is changed. The "Span Frequency" is reduced as little as possible so that the
"Freq Step Size" = "Span Frequency" / ("Number of Points" – 1)
can be fulfilled. Changing the "Span Frequency" modifies the "Freq Step Size".
This setting is valid for linear frequency sweeps only. It does not apply to logarith-
mic and segmented sweeps, power, time or CW mode sweeps.
Decreasing the "Freq Step Size" generally increases the measurement time.
Remote command:
Sweep Softtool