GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Remote command:
Signal Type
Specifies the "External" trigger mode in detail.
"Rising Edge"/"Falling Edge"
means that the rising/falling slope of every external
trigger pulse can trigger a single measurement sequence.
"Active High"/"Active Low"
means that the analyzer measures in "FreeRun"
mode as long as the external trigger signal is high/low. The measurement is dis-
continued when the trigger signal changes to low/high.
Remote command:
Trigger Manager dialog
The "Trigger Manager" dialog defines individual trigger sources and delays for the trig-
gered measurement sequences. The dialog is available and its settings are valid if the
analyzer is configured for "Multiple Triggers" (see
"FreeRun / External / Manual / Multi-
Channel – [Trigger] > "Trigger Manager..."
Background information
Refer to
Chapter, "Partial measurements and driving mode"
Figure 5-10: Example of a multiple trigger configuration
The table in the "Trigger Manager" dialog contains several editable (white) or non-edit-
able (gray) columns. All settings are analogous to the general trigger settings in the
. Refer to the following sections:
"FreeRun / External / Manual / Multiple Triggers"
Sweep Softtool