Make sure you observe the following safety instructions in order to prevent accidents or serious
• This navigation device for outdoor use is merely an orientation and navigation aid that cannot
be a substitute for making a sensible assessment of the situation you are in. Please note the
particular characteristics of the terrain and the routes you are using. Do not follow any routes
or suggested routes which would entail a dangerous or illegal form of riding or would place
you in a dangerous situation.
• The road traffic regulations must be complied with at all times, for example when cycling, and
have priority over the routes of the navigation device.
• Never operate the navigation device while riding and do not allow yourself to be distracted by
the device while riding.
• The map data which is used may include inaccurate or incomplete data. You should therefore
check the calculated route to see if it makes sense and choose your own alternative route if
The navigation device is intended for hiking, biking, and other outdoor recreational
uses and, as such, is not suitable for use as a vehicle navigation system.
Pay attention to road conditions and street signs, and obey all traffic and safety laws. Traffic laws
and current traffic conditions must always be observed and take precedence over the instructions
issued by the Rand McNally navigation system. The User should be aware of situations where
current traffic conditions and the instructions from the navigation system may be in conflict.
Always use your best judgment and exercise common sense when making off-road navigational
decisions. For safety, be attentive to trail and weather conditions and defer to posted signs.
It is the User’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations. The use of the
navigation system does not relieve the User of his/her responsibilities. The User should be aware
of the surroundings at all times.
With the free Trailhead software, you can manage tracks and waypoints on your
view recorded tracks, upload additional tracks, and manage geocaches.
Download at: