Ramsond SunRay 1500 and 3000 Inverters
Instruction Manual (v. 34411)
Ramsond Corporation. All right reserved. Ramsond and Sunray are trademarks of Ramsond Corp.
Page 9.
ON / OFF (Main) Rocker Switch
Before installing the inverter, be sure the main rocker switch is set to “OFF”.
115V / 60Hz AC Outlets
Each outlet will supply up to 15 amps 115V / 60 Hz AC maximum, for powering appliances.
Greater than 1650 watts continuous power from any outlet may cause damage to the inverter
and may cause possible injury. Use the high output terminals for appliance loads greater than
15 amps (SunRay 3000 only).
High Output AC Terminals (SunRay 3000 Only)
There are three insulated terminals on the front panel of the inverter. These terminals are for
connecting 115 volt / 60 Hz AC devices that require more than 15 amps to operate. Other uses
are for connection to distributed wiring that has multiple AC outlets. Any wiring that is directly
connected must be 10 gauge or larger. Facing the Front Panel, the terminals are:
(Live or Hot)
Neutral and Ground are bonded inside the inverter to comply with the National Electric Code
(NEC) requirement that any AC source must have a Neutral to Ground connection.
LED Displays Bars - SunRay 1500
SunRay 1500 is equipped with two LED display bars. The display on the left shows the voltage
of the battery bank. The display on the right shows the current load on the inverter
LED Displays - SunRay 3000
SunRay 3000 is equipped with two LED displays.