Alarms.
petMAP
g
has
both
User
‐
selectable
Alarms
and
System
Alarms.
User
‐
selectable
Alarms
As
mentioned
above,
the
user
may
set
alarms
for
systolic
pressure
(both
high
and
low).
The
default
setting
for
all
user
‐
selectable
alarms
is
When
activated
by
the
user,
the
petMAP
g
will
audibly
alarm
when
the
selected
alarm
settings
are
exceeded.
The
alarms
begin
as
a
subtle
chirping
sound
and
progress
to
a
louder
continuous
tone
after
about
seconds.
All
alarms
are
canceled
by
the
user
by
simply
touching
the
screen
anyplace
on
the
screen,
but
make
sure
to
only
touch
a
button
when
it
is
desired
to
make
a
change
in
that
button’s
function.
System
Alarms
petMAP
g
has
built
in
System
Alarms
which
may
sound
when
the
device
detects
conditions
that
need
attention.
System
Alarms
are
not
user
selectable
and
are
always
enabled.
The
System
Alarms
include:
measurement
not
achieved
‐
The
message
displayed
on
Screen
–“
Patient?
Motion?
Cuff?
”is
to
let
the
user
know
that
adequate
signals
were
not
properly
detected
for
some
reason,
or
were
substantially
adversely
affected
by
motion
artifact,
and
that
a
blood
pressure
measurement
could
not
be
made.
The
user
should
check
the
patient
for
motion,
check
that
the
cuff
is
snug
and
sized
correctly
and
is
connected
securely
to
the
unit.
Always
check
the
animal’s
status
using
other
methods
since
absence
of
good
cardiac
function
is
one
reason
for
the
–
“
Patient?
Motion?
Cuff?
”
error
message.
Review
the
section:
“Measuring
Vital
Signs
in
Animals”
in
this
manual
for
proper
measurement
technique
information.
High
Alarm
Low
Alarm