6. Find the 5” length of 18 gauge wire. Strip ¼ inch of the insulation from
each end. Twist the little wires together and lightly tin each end. Solder
one end of the wire in the hole at JP2.
7. Route the wire below C37, C9, C22, and C4 and continue on above
C16 and straight down to JP1 just above power switch S1.
8. Solder this end of the wire in the hole at JP1.
It is time to assemble the front panel. DO NOT install D1, D3, D4, and D5
until told to do so in the “Board Attachment” section. We need to get the
proper spacing for these LED’s so they fit properly through the front panel.
1. Install S2, a SPST momentary push button switch. This switch looks
square but it is not. It will only go into the circuit board two ways, either
way will work.
2. Install S4, another SPST momentary push button switch.
3. Install S5, a third SPST momentary push button switch.
4. Install S6, the last SPST momentary push button switch.
5. Install R18 a 10K ohm potentiometer. Make sure this part is flush and
square to the circuit board before soldering.
6. Install R17 a second 10K ohm potentiometer.
7. Install R19 another 10K ohm potentiometer.
8. Install R20 the last 10K ohm potentiometer.
9. Locate one of the 10 pin dual in-line connectors. This part is installed
on the back side and of the circuit board. Find the location for J40 on the
front panel circuit board. Insert the shorter legs of the connector though
from the back side of the circuit board. Make sure this part is flush and
square to the board. Solder the pins on the component or silk screen side
of the circuit board.
10. Install J7, the other 10 pin dual in-line connector, the same way you
installed J40 in the previous step.
In order to properly attach the front panel circuit board to the main board part
of the case needs to be assembled.