to properly seat the IC. Now solder the rest of the pins. Check for any
solder bridges when you’re done.
6. Install C26, a 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
7. Install C3, a 0.01uF ceramic capacitor (marked 103).
8. Install C7, a 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
9. Install C19, a 0.39uF metal film capacitor (marked 394). Metal film
capacitors are like ceramic capacitors, they have no polarity.
10. Install C21, a 0.01uF ceramic capacitor (marked 103).
11. Install C15, the last 0.01uF ceramic capacitor (marked 103).
12. Install C6, a 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
13. Install C20, a 0.39uF metal film capacitor (marked 394).
14. Install C8, a 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
15. Install C16, a 10uF electrolytic capacitor (marked 10uF). Remember
to check polarity.
16. Install C4, another 10uF electrolytic capacitor (marked 10uF).
17. Install C22, you guessed it another 10uF electrolytic capacitor
(marked 10uF).
18. Install C9, yet another 10uF electrolytic capacitor (marked 10uF).
19. Install C18, the last 10uF electrolytic capacitor it this circuit (marked
We have preinstalled the surface mount (SMT) IC’s U11 and U12 for you.
1. Install R34, a 150 ohm resistor (marked Brown, Green, Brown).
2. Install R35, another 150 ohm resistor (marked Brown, Green, Brown).
3. Install U10, a DS1669 digital rheostat IC (marked DS1669). Install this
IC like you did U1 and U3.
4. Install C38, a 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
5. Install C37, another 0.22uF ceramic capacitor (marked 224).
6. Install C45, a 10uF electrolytic capacitor (marked 10uF). Very good