Standard Scanner Modes 1-4 and skip modes:
Use the jog dial to select a frequency other than what is currently running.
Press and release the jog dial to skip to the next active memory
Press and hold the jog dial to prevent stopping at this frequency for the
duration of the selection of this mode.
Skipping to next channel will occur after timeout in skip mode only.
Setup Scanner Modes 1-4
Use the jog dial to select frequencies
If the frequency is already in the list, a + sign will appear in the lower right to
indicate it is already in the list. – if it is not.
Press and release the jog dial to add a frequency not in the list
Press and release the jog dial to remove a frequency from the list.
Press and hold the jog dial for two seconds to save your selections to FLASH.
Setup Skip Timer
Use the jog dial to select an appropriate time to stay on any particular
frequency before skipping to the next.
Press and hold the jog dial to save the changes to FLASH.
Setup Lighting Timer
Use the jog dial to select an appropriate time out value which determines how
long the lights are left on before shutting off.
Press and hold the jog dial to save the changes to FLASH.