with the number on it and you’ll see the outline showing where to place
this flat side on the PC board silkscreen. Bend the center lead out to fit in
the holes and push the part down close the circuit board without forcing.
Solder the transistor.
34. Install R12, 47K standup ohm resistor (yellow-violet-orange).
35. Install C23, 5 pF ceramic capacitor (marked 5).
36. Install C43, 0.1 µF disc capacitor (marked .1 or 104).
37. Install C40, 20 nF ceramic capacitor (marked 20M).
38. Install R19, 82k ohm standup (gray-red-orange).
39. Install R20, 47K ohm standup resistor (yellow-violet-orange).
40. Install R24, another 47K ohm standup resistor (yellow-violet-orange).
41. Install R26, 82k ohm standup resistor (gray-red-orange).
42. Install C41, 0.01 µF disc capacitor (marked .01 or 103 or 10nf).
43. Install R25, 47K ohm resistor (yellow-violet-orange).
44. Install R21, 47K ohm resistor (yellow-violet-orange).
45. Install C44, 0.01 µF disc capacitor (marked .01 or 103 or 10nf).
46. Install C45, 20 nF ceramic capacitor (marked 20M).
Next we’ll move over to the left on the other side of U1.
47. Install C13, 0.1 µF disc capacitor (marked .1 or 104).
48. Install C14, 10 µF electrolytic capacitor. Remember to orient the part
correctly before installing.
49. Install C7, 0.01 µF disc capacitor (marked .01 or 103 or 10nf).
50. Install C6, 100 pF ceramic capacitor (marked 100 or 100K).
51. Install R13, 470 ohm resistor (yellow-violet-brown).
52. Install R14, 2.2 megohm standup resistor (red-red-green). 53.
Install C36, 0.1 µF disc capacitor (marked .1 or 104).
54. Install R17, 4.7k ohm standup resistor (yellow-violet-red).
55. Install Q2, 2N3904 NPN transistor. The flat side must be oriented as
shown on the PC board silkscreen and Parts Layout Diagram. Solder all