Keep BOTH HANDS On The Grip
Handle At All Times When Operating
The Machine.
Use Extreme Caution When Stopping. If
The Bucket Or Attachments Is Raised,
The Machine Can Tip.
Keep All Movements Smooth. All New
Operators Must Work The Machine In A
Safe Open Area To Become Familiar
With Its Operating Characteristics.
Figure 3
The outside control lever located on the
left hand side controls the lift. Pushing
the lever forward lowers the lift arm and
pulling the lever back raises the lift arm.
In these two positions, the lever is spring
centered to neutral upon release of the
Figure 3
The inside control lever located on the
left hand side controls the tilting action
of attachments such as buckets, forks,
etc. Pulling the lever back tilts the
attachments back. Pushing forward on
the lever tilts forward or “dumps” the
attachment. The lever is spring centered
to neutral upon release.
Ensure That The Auxiliary Lever Is Kept
In Neutral When Not In Use To Avoid
Wasting Power. Engine Is Difficult To
Start If Lever Is Engaged. Hydraulic Oil
May Also Overheat.
FLOW DIVIDER – Item 7, Figure 3
The 905/915 Taskmasters feature a
variable flow divider which splits
available oil flow between the auxiliary
circuit and the loader functions. This
allows the operator to select the speed of
the attachment and machine.
With the flow divider rotated all the way
counter clockwise full flow is available
for the drives, but no flow is available
for the attachment. This enables the
operator to set the machine speed and
attachment flow to match the conditions
of any given job.
For applications like trenching and
tilling almost all flow should be diverted
to the attachment, leaving only enough
to crawl the machine along. Other
applications such as grapple buckets will
require a more balanced flow.
Even when the auxiliary circuit is not in
use, the flow control can be used to vary
machine speed. For work in close
quarters, and while learning to drive set
machine speed to slow. To cover ground
rapidly set the flow control to high
machine output.
Be aware that the flow control will also
change the speed of various machine
functions such as lift and tilt. With full
flow to drives these will operate quickly.
Figure 3
Direction of auxiliary flow and “on-off”
control of attachments is provided by
this lever. Pushing this lever forward
will operate the attachment in one
direction, while pulling it back will
operate the attachment in the opposite
direction. This lever locks in each
position and must be returned to the
center (off) position manually. Ensure
the lever is set to off when not in use.