If possible, bring all service receipts, maintenance
logs, and records proving that your vehicle has been
properly maintained, since you may be required to
show them.
B. Further Steps You Can Take, and How to
Get More Information
If you think your dealer has wrongly denied you
emission-warranty coverage, follow the steps described
in 7.1. Chrysler will reply to you in writing within 30
days after receiving your complaint (or within the time
limit required by local or state law). If the owner is not
notified within 30 days that a performance warranty
claim is denied, the manufacturer must repair the vehicle
free of charge.
If you want more information about getting service
under the Federal Emission Warranty or the Performance
Warranty, or if you want to report what you think is a
violation of these warranties, you can contact:
Manager, Certification and Compliance
Division Warranty Claims
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 6403J
Washington, D. C. 20460