Trigger on Make/Break:
Sets the type of signal the WAVMI will respond to. Typically normally open devices will be
set up as “Trigger on make” normally closed as “Trigger on Break”. A map set up as trigger
on Break will have “RLS” after the letter in the mapping list (see map 2 in figure 4).
Input longer/shorter than:
Allows the WAVMI to differentiate between inputs applied for different lengths of time. Use
the slider below the drop down menu to set the time condition that the longer/shorter than
will apply to.
Don't update previous room:
If this box is ticked this map will not update the “last used” flag for both room and channel.
When a “last used” is sent from this device the most recent room and channel sent which
doesn't have “don't update previous room” selected will be sent.
Any input Trigger (OR Logic):
Use only when combined inputs are required: see Application sheet (LINK) “Combing Volt
free inputs” for further information.
Output action
This tile is used to set the command sent from the input defined in the other two sections.
Before being altered the room will be the local room for that keypad. All the rooms in the
project will be in the drop down menu as will an option for “previous room”.
The next drop down menu can be used to change the channel affected by this command.
Usually “all channels” is selected so that the entire room will be affected by this map. All
the channels added in the room editor will appear in this drop down menu as will “last
used” and “custom”.
Previous room/channel will set the room number to that which was last sent by this device. It will
not track commands sent by any other device.
The last used function sets the channel to the most recent previous command sent from
that device. This is commonly used when a WCM is set up to toggle individual channels. In
this case “last used” is used for the fade buttons so that the user can adjust the brightness
of the channel they have just turned on.
The action sections sets which command will be sent to the room and channel that have
been set.
Manual Version 2.0.1