Auto Heal Data
When programming is complete press this button to store DLI network information. Failure
to do so will mean in the event of lamp failure the entire DLI network will need to
This button will store the current state of the DLI network within the RSR-DLI. This means that if a
single ballast is removed and replaced the new ballast will have the same short address
automatically uploaded to it. If more than one DLI ballast needs to be replaced the entire network
must be re-addressed using the “Force Readdress” button.
Extra features of RSR-DLI
Swap Channels
The Swap Channels tile in the DLI setup tab allows for custom readdressing of the DLI short
addresses themselves. Individual short addresses can be moved on to or swapped with each other
by using this interface.
This will readdress the DLI ballast to the short address as set in each box, “Perform Swap” will
directly switch the position of the two ballast. “Perform Move” will result in both ballasts having a
the short address of “DLI Short Address 2”.
Visible Channels
Sometimes not all 15 channels in the room will be required by the RSR-DLI (less than 15
separately controllable sets of DLI ballasts required). When this is the case then the “Visible
Channels” tab can be used to reduce the number of channels the RSR-DLI occupies in the
Slide the “channels used” slider to match the number of Channels required by the RSR-DLI and the
remaining channels are freed up to be used by other devices.
Manual Version 3.0.3