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Figure 13: The Things Stack diagram
As shown in Figure 13, The Things Stack is an open-source LoRaWAN Network Server suitable for global, geo-
distributed public and private deployments as well as for small, local networks. The architecture follows the
LoRaWAN Network Reference Model for standards compliancy and interoperability. This project is actively
maintained by
LoRaWAN is a protocol for low-power wide-area networks. It allows for large-scale Internet of Things deployments
where low-powered devices efficiently communicate with Internet-connected applications over long-range wireless
The RAK4600 module can be part of this ecosystem as a device, and the objective of this section is to
demonstrate how simple it is to send data to The Things Stack using the LoRaWAN protocol. To achieve this, the
RAK4600 module must be located inside the coverage of a LoRaWAN gateway connected to The Things Stack
Registration to TTN and Creating LoRaWAN Applications
and select a cluster, as shown in Figure 14. The Things
Industries adds more clusters from time to time, so select the one closes to your location. In this guide, Europe 1 is
Figure 14: Selecting Cluster in TTN V3
You can use the same login credentials on the TTN V2 if you have one. If you have no account yet, you need to
create one.