Documentation Center
Figure 34: Details of the TTN application
8. If you had no error during the previous step, you should now be on the application console page. The next step
is to add end-devices to your TTN application. LoRaWAN specification enforces that each end-device has to be
personalized and activated. There are two options for registering devices depending on the activation mode you
select. Activation can be done either via Over-The-Air-Activation (OTAA) or Activation-By-Personalization
(ABP). This guide will show OTAA.
TTN OTAA Device Registration
1. Go to your application console to be able to register a device. To start adding an OTAA end-device, click + Add
end device, as shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35: Add end device
2. To register the module, click first Manually then configure the activation method by selecting Over the air
activation (OTAA) and compatible LoRaWAN version then click the Start button, as shown in Figure 36 and
Figure 37.