Rain Master Irrigation Systems
Pro Max User’s Manual
To go to Station 3, there is no need to turn 12 off.
The controller automatically turned Station 12 off prior to turning Station 3 on.
Auto Up and Auto down Keys
For convenience and the rapid checkout of a system, pressing Auto Up will turn off the current
station and turn on the next sequential station number. There is no need to enter the station
If the last station in a Rain Master controller is reached and Auto-Up is
pressed, wrap-around occurs (station 1 turns on). In a Pro Max-UA model,
wrap-around occurs after station 32 is reached.
Similarly, pressing Auto Down will turn off the current station and turn on the next lower station
Once you find the station you want, you may turn it on and off simply by pressing the ON and
OFF keys. There is no need to know the station number.
You come to a job site and you know it has a problem but you don’t know which
station has the problem. Simply hook up the Pro Max receiver, go out to the field
and press Auto Up until you find the problem, then use the ON and OFF keys.
On and Off Keys
When the ON key is pressed, the station previously entered will be turned on, any other station
that was on will be turned off.
The previous station may have been entered explicitly by the digit keys or implicitly by using the
AUTO UP or AUTO DOWN keys. When the remote is first connected and the ON key is
pressed, nothing happens because the previous station is undefined.
When OFF is pressed, any station that was on will be turned off.
Master Valve/Pump Key
The Master Valve/Pump may be turned on or off at anytime. Its on/off state is unaffected, as
other valves are turned on or off. Therefore, checkout of an electrical problem on any valve may
be accomplished without actually watering, simply by turning the Master Valve/Pump off. This
assumes the system has a Master Valve and/or Pump.
To turn the Master Valve/Pump on,
To turn it off,
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