Q8 Why don’t my operation system connect with SR3500
external storage?
1. Please make sure your OS is Win98SE, Win ME, Win2000,
WinXP or Mac9.0.
upward version and support the 1394 or
USB2.0 drivers program.
2. Please check the 1394 or USB2.0 cable is connected
3. Please check if one hard disk displays OK on SR3500 LCD.
Q9. How do I install Macintosh drive?
Find the file Firewire sit. This is a Stuffit Expander file (Mac
equivalent to Zip files). It should automatically expand to
produce a folder called Firewire Folder on your desktop. (or
copy it to your desktop and double click will open it ). Stuffit
Expander should be installed already as part of the Mac OS.
Open up the Firewire Folder (double click on it) and it should
contain three files, Firewire Enabler, Fire Wire Support and
FWSBP2 Disk Driver.
These are all system extensions (drives) and need to be
moves into the Macintosh HD: System Folder: Extensions
folder. This is done with a simple drag and drop as per
windows. Now restart you Mac.
You should now be able to connect the IEEE 1394 cable
HDD into the FireWire port. The Mac will find the device and
ask if you want to in initialize (format, erases everything) it,
agree to this. The Mac can take up to 30 seconds to find a