FA-200 Alarm Bar User’s Guide
4.4 Connecting to An FMC2000 Controller
The FMC2000 has a female 6-pin connector on the bottom that
is designed for connection with a RAE Systems FA-200 Alarm
The internal wires from the FMC2000 connector are pre-
wired to the NO (Normally Open) connection points on the five
relay wiring blocks. Refer to the FMC2000 User’s Guide for
details of wiring for other configurations, including NC
(normally closed) and other alarm orders.
Pin F connects to Ground. Pins B, C, D, and E transmit
12V @ 2A power when an alarm occurs.
FMC2000 Connector Pin Layout
FMC2000 Connector Pinout
Pin A:
No connection
Pin B:
Power switch for red light
Pin C:
Power switch for blue light
Pin D:
Power switch for amber light
Pin E:
Power switch for white light
Pin F:
If a second controller is not connected to the auxiliary
port on the FA-200 Alarm Bar, keep the dust cap on the
connector to protect the pins.