TerraWIN
Installation
Guide
DQ0266170/O.02
Indoor
Units
comply
with
part
of
the
rules.
Operation
is
subject
to
the
following
two
conditions:
(1)
These
devices
may
not
cause
harmful
interference.
(2)
These
devices
must
accept
any
interference
received,
including
interference
that
may
cause
undesired
operation.
Outdoor
units
and
antennas
should
be
installed
by
experienced
installation
professionals
who
are
familiar
with
local
building
and
safety
codes
and,
wherever
applicable,
are
licensed
by
the
appropriate
government
regulatory
authorities.
Failure
to
do
so
may
void
the
product
warranty
and
may
expose
the
end
user
or
the
service
provider
to
legal
and
financial
liabilities.
Resellers
or
distributors
of
this
equipment
are
not
liable
for
injury,
damage
or
violation
of
regulations
associated
with
the
installation
of
outdoor
units
or
antennas.
The
installer
should
configure
the
output
power
level
of
antennas
according
to
country
regulations
and
antenna
type.
Les
unités
extérieures
et
les
antennes
doivent
être
installées
par
des
les
professionnels
de
l'installation
qui
connaissent
le
bâtiment
et
la
sécurité
locaux
codes
et,
le
cas
échéant,
sont
autorisés
par
les
autorités
compétentes
autorités
de
réglementation
gouvernementales.
Ne
pas
le
faire
peut
annuler
le
produit
garantie
et
peut
exposer
l'utilisateur
final
ou
le
fournisseur
de
services
à
des
passifs
financiers.
Les
revendeurs
ou
distributeurs
de
cet
équipement
ne
sont
pas
responsable
des
blessures,
des
dommages
ou
de
la
violation
de
la
réglementation
installation
d'unités
extérieures
ou
d'antennes.
L'installateur
doit
configurer
le
niveau
de
puissance
de
sortie
des
antennes
selon
les
réglementations
du
pays
et
type
d'antenne.
•
Where
Outdoor
units
are
configurable
by
software
to
Tx
power
val
‐
ues
other
than
those
for
which
the
product
is
certified,
it
is
the
responsibility
of
the
Professional
Installer
to
restrict
the
Tx
power
to
the
certified
limits.
•
This
product
was
tested
with
special
accessories
‐
indoor
unit
or
PoE),
‐
5e
shielded
cable
with
sealing
gasket,
ground
‐
ing
cable
‐
which
must
be
used
with
the
unit
to
insure
compliance.