Scanning technology for barcodes reading:
laser – longer scanning range (e.g. QS-6000+, Cubit)
diode – durable, faster operation (e.g. Dioder, QS-2500)
21.2. EAN code
One of the most popular barcodes are EAN (European Article Numbering),
which were approved for common use in retail trade in 1976. American
equivalent is UPC.
EAN code types:
EAN-13 (zawiera 12 cyfr danych i jedn
EAN-8 (7 cyfr danych i 1 cyfra kontrolna).
EAN-128 (digital version of CODE 128)
First 3 digits signify a country (e.g. 590 - Poland), with the exception of codes
that starts with the digit 2 – this codes are used to mark articles if different
weight and dimensions especially packed in shops. EAN 13 is used together
with ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), for newspapers and
magazines. 3-digit country code is substituted by 977.
21.3. Other barcodes
Code 39 – Alphanumerical barcode with variable length. It allows to us
43 different characters; each character comprises 9 elements (dark
and white strips).
Code 128 – Alphanumerical barcode with variable length devised to
expand Code 39 possibilities.
Interleaved 2 of 5 – Numerical code with variable length (always even).
High density – digits coded in pairs "with interleave" – dark strip code
one digit and white (separable) the second.
21.4. Advantages of using barcodes
Less errors during data input in comparison to manual inscribing
Quick data loading – direct input to external devices
Costs – more efficient client service, simpler reserves management,
shorter reaction time, lower level of reserves.