: Unilateral setting with the midpoint as the boundary. No matter how this
item is set, it will be set to unilateral effect by Side.
All below the midpoint are fixed at 0, and normal output above the midpoint
All above the midpoint is fixed at 0, and normal output below the midpoint
: You can choose whether the fine-tuning is effective for this entry, or you
can define a fine-tuning that affects this article separately.
4.4.5. Mix control (Mixer)
Mixing page for channel settings
The mix control page allows you to combine as many input sources as you want
and map them to any one or more of the 32 output channels. Finally use the next
page (Outputs) to make these purely logical outputs to fit the model device
You have complete flexibility in controlling the mixing from any input to any
output channel.
A mix puts one input into one channel. The inputs are configured in the Inputs
page, which defines any input type.
The mixing control page can also use other channels as the source of the current
channel, and output from the current channel after re-mixing. It can also mix one or
more channels to another or multiple channel outputs, which can combine very
powerful complex functions.
All inputs range from -100% to + 100%. Gimbals, knobs, sliders, channels, global
variables, and coach input.
If you want the servo of the No. 2 plug connected to the receiver to be
controlled by lifting (ELE), you only need to create a mixing entry on CH2 and use the
Ele input as the source of operation.
Each channel can have many lines, and you can choose the operation between
each line. Long press the ENT key and select Insert Before / After to create a new line.