3. First boot
Press and hold the power button to boot. Before entering the main interface, the
system will check the position of the throttle stick and switch and other startup
conditions. If the startup conditions are not met, there will be a corresponding error
prompt. You need to clear it or press any key to move forward
Throttle warning:
This is a warning that the throttle is not at the lowest position
when the radio is turned on. You can set the throttle stick to the lowest position or
press any key to skip. You can also turn off the throttle state option in the MODEL
SETUP menu. Throttle alarm.
Switch warning:
This is a warning that a switch on the radio -control is not in the
default position. (The default setting is that all switch directions are up
Failsafe not set warning:
This is a warning that the radio-control fail-safe
protection is not set.