the distance between cursor and waveform distance mark-
ers to either feet or meters.
The backlight at start-up option is used to select whether
the LCD backlight is on or off at start-up.
The velocity format option selects whether the velocity of
propagation control is displayed as a percentage of the
speed of light (VOP) or as meters or feet per microsecond
velocity divided by 2 (V/2).
The cancel test lead length option allows the user to auto-
matically subtract the length associated with the test leads
from the distance between cursor readout. The instrument
will place the first cursor and the zero reference at the end
of the test leads.
Note: Always use the test leads provided. Using test
leads of a different length will result in erroneous
distance measurements.
The serial printer option is used to select the type of serial
printer for RS-232 printing. The options available are Seiko
DPU 411 thermal printer and the Citizen PN60 plain pa-
per printer.
2.3.9 Waveform Storage and Recall
Model 3300’s SUPER-STORE waveform storage capabil-
ity allows the operator to store a waveform for later com-
parison and analysis. SUPER-STORE stores the entire
cable under test, not just the section of cable displayed on
screen at the time of storage. This feature is helpful if: the
incorrect section of cable was on screen at the time of stor-
age; in comparing two separate waveforms (cables); or for
comparing the same waveform (cable) before and after
repairing the cable.