2019 Radiocrafts AS
MBUS User Manual (ver 2.01)
2.1 UART Interface
– Module Configuration
The configuration of the module can be changed in-circuit from the host during operation, at the time of installation
of the equipment or at the manufacturing test. The configuration is changed by sending commands on the UART
interface after the module is set in configuration mode. The configuration mode is entered by sending 0x00 to the
module, or by asserting the CONFIG pin (set low).
In configuration mode t
he module will respond by sending a ‘>’ prompt on the TXD pin. This indicates that the
module is ready to receive commands. The CONFIG pin (if used) can then be de-asserted.
The CONFIG pin must be de-asserted before
the Exit command (‘X’) is sent to the module in order to
return to normal operation.
After a command is executed, the module responds with the ‘>’ prompt character again, indicating it is ready for a
new command. Do not send a new command before the ‘>’ prompt is received. The time required to execute a
command can vary depending on the command (see the Timing Information section). There is no ‘>’ prompt after
the ‘X’ exit command.
The parameters that are set by dedicated configuration commands (‘C’, ‘P’ and so on) take immediate effect after
returning to normal operation (IDLE), but will not be stored in non-volatile memory and will be lost in case the
supply power is turned off or if the module is reset. These parameters are for example the radio channel and output
Permanent changes of parameters can be done by writing to the configuration memory using the memory
command ‘M’. These are for example
radio channel,
output power and M-Bus mode, see Appendix
A for details.
Figure 3 illustrates how to use the UART interface to enter configuration mode, change configuration parameters
and return to IDLE mode.
Figure 3
– Configuration mode flow diagram