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Summary of Contents for TRS-80

Page 1: ...Cat No 26 3194 4 95 EladioIhaeK...

Page 2: ...orTwnands 37 68 0 g n u o o n 39 jjjjjjI Video Cenlering Test 57 Coler Adjustrnent Test 55 Specifications 59 Definitions Index 63 Error Messages 51 Editor Assembler Error Messages 47 Memory Map 49 _L_...

Page 3: ...noo Exlended Color BASIC Information pertaining to Extended ColOr BASIC on y is shaded e this paragraph Information which is shaded hlfs tfws pertaJnS 10 OIsk Exlended Cok r BASIC Ali lnformsuon stor...

Page 4: ...nd end at specified point O CIRCLE 128 96l 50 4 1 5 75 CLEAR n h Reserves n bytes of string storage space Erases variables h specifies highest BASIC address CLEAR CLEAR 500 CLEAR 100 4000 1CLOAD Loads...

Page 5: ...rrence of eharacler c X Extends Ine HIUX Escape from subcommand n tsPICU ID Maves cursor fi spaces ta right n eo 3 Moves cursor fi spaees to left EO Il 25 BIIID END Ends program END EXEC ddress Transl...

Page 6: ...llal If omilted program loads where specilied inSide the program LDADM PROG COR 3522 LDADH TESTI FIELD buller ReId Ize AS Reid n me Organizes the space wlthin a direct access buffer into fields assign...

Page 7: ...y wilh specified coIor c and stopping at border b of specilied coIor PAINT 10 10J 2 4 PCLEAR n Reserves nnumber 011 5 Kgraphies mamory pages PCLEAR 8 PCLS t Clears sereen with specified color c If co...

Page 8: ...PHINT 1 1000 t on Pnnts speclfled message al speclfied lexl sereen locallOn PRINT 256 HI PRINT 256 A1 PSET y c sels a speciliee POint x y 10 spealled coIor c Il c is ornltted loregroun llS usee PSETt...

Page 9: back 0 Ils OrigInal number aller the data had been converted 10 a slflog USlng MKN X CVNI Al J EOF bufler Checks 10 see Il eocI ol hle 15 encountered dunng a REAO operalJOfl Relurns a 0 li tt ler...

Page 10: ...eyboard and relurns Ihe key being presse Il any Af INIIEYf INT numerie Converts a number 10 an nlager X INTt5 21 dOYSTK U Aeturns Ihe horizontal or vertICal coordinale vI 01 the leh or flght JOysllck...

Page 11: ...hexadecimal form Vou must use an indirectjump to this address For specifie information on Entry and Exit Conditions see the Technical Information section olyoul Extended Color BASIC manual or Section...

Page 12: upper Iowercase keyboard SWIlctl Lowercase dlsplayed as reversed capllals Special Characters Abbrevlallon for REM Makes variable string type Separales statements lfI the same line Same as PAINT PRI...

Page 13: ...Wilh carnage falum Soa Color Codes Graphie Character Codes wOE o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black Green v BI Red Bull Cyan Magenta Orange 22 Glven the c r 8 and the pattern 0 15 thls formula Will generale the co...

Page 14: ...26 39 27 40 28 1 41 29 42 2 43 28 44 2C 45 2D 46 2E 1 47 2F 0 48 30 1 49 31 2 50 32 3 51 33 4 52 34 5 53 35 6 54 36 7 55 37 8 56 38 9 57 39 56 3 59 3B 60 3C 61 3D 62 3E 63 3F 64 40 A 65 41 8 66 42 C...

Page 15: ...rsubslituteC lOf Bi and B lOf C An FC ERROR will occurllyou try 10 useei hef 01 hase notations 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5E OA 08 09 03 oc 00 80 81 82 83 84 as 86 87 88 89 90 94 10 8 9 03 12 13...

Page 16: ...e lasl specified Increment is used A Rl__ eI wflr II Assembles telCt program specifie by fiJename lnto machine code fi ename is a standard ColorBASIC file specification and is optionsl ifomitled NONAM...

Page 17: ...H artR e I _t Inserts 1in8s begirlOlOQ al st8ff1me uSIOg the spec1fied inaemeot startllne andIncrement are optionaI if omimed current line and tO orprevious inctemeot are use f 1150 5 IZe I u LRIe_ L...

Page 18: ...ymbol table c Continues execution of the program alter interruption al a breakpoinl C D Displays ail breakpoints that have bean set o l IUe _ Loads mactllne oode file specified by fi 9n8me lrom casset...

Page 19: ...s caum specifies the number of program lines1oI1oWing SOUrc address to trensler U1334 555910 V dd Deletes breakpoint at the specified address address is optionsl ilormtted ail breakpoints are deletee...

Page 20: ...S Hall Symbolic Numeric Symbolic Addresses displayed numerically opefands displayed symbolicalty Addresses and values displayed as numbefs Addresses and values displayed as labels and symbols 36 Note...

Page 21: ...the oonlerlls of a memotYlocation The result is stored in the accumulalor AND CC logicaJ AND Immediate Memory into Condition Code Register Perlorms a Iogical AND between the coodition code register an...

Page 22: a branch if it is c1ear When used alter asubtractorcompareon unsi nedbinary values this instruction will branch if the registerwas hlgherthan or the same as the memory operand BGT BHI Branch if Hi...

Page 23: ...n is exclusive ORed into an a bit register EQD Inltlallzes data or addresses and sets up a label EaU commands may be Iocated anywhere in the program EXG Exchange Registers Exctlanges data betweeo Iwo...

Page 24: ...inclusive OR operation between the contents 01 accumulator A or B and the contents of memory location M and the resull is store ln accumuiaior A or B PSHS Push Reglsters on he Hardware Staek Ail sorn...

Page 25: ...rror File being loaded is not a TEXT Iile il in the Edllor or a CODE Iile il InZBUG 110 ERROR Edltol and ZBUG Input Output Error A checksum error was eocountered while loadlng a Iilelrom a cassette la...

Page 26: ...OW N embler Symbol table will exlend ioto the protecled area of memory There is no enough room betwaen BEGTMP and USROAG forthe edit buffer and symbol table At least 300 hexadecimal bytes musl allowed...

Page 27: FD Bad file data FM Bad file mode FN Bad filename FQ Field overflow FS File structure incorrect ID Illegal direct 1E Input past end of file 1 0 Input OutpUI errer L5 String 100 long NE File nol fou...

Page 28: ...r Width OO B 155 84 Line Printer Position 009C 156 00 00 BAUD Rate Decimai Value Hexadecimal Value MSB LSB MSB LSB 120 BAUD 1 202 01 CA 300 BAUD 0 180 00 8E 600 BAUD 0 87 00 57 1200 BAUD 0 41 00 29 24...

Page 29: The aclual color tones produced by YOUf set and the degree of difference between ones will depend on the qua ity and color adjustment of your television set not the Computer Sy comparing the s...

Page 30: ...mportant ha your TV dlSplay be property cenlered Run the loIlowlllQ program and use the horizonlal and vertical centerlrlg contrais la center the image as much as possible Don wony il you can t get a...

Page 31: ...D RD GRQUNO TD Carrter Delect Slatus Input une 1 Receive Daia 2 Zero Voltage Relerence 3 Transmit Data Out 4 56 RS 232 Pin Location looklng lOm the outside al the RS 232 C lac on the COlOR COMPUTER Pr...

Page 32: ...Computer 1 Operatlng Temperature Memory Capacity Unlormatted Soft sector l O seclorltrack Data transmission speed 3210120 degrees Fahrenheit oto 49 degrees Centigrade 218 8 kilobytes per disk 6 2 kil...

Page 33: ...ach byte corresponds 10one character ollhe onglOsldata badr p disk e An exact copyolthe original a salecopy BASIC Beg nners All purpose Symbolic InSll lCIJon Code the programmlrtg languagewhlch 15 sto...

Page 34: ...specilying one 01 the Mini Disk drives end ol fiIe orf OF Amal1lerwhich indicales the end al a dlsk Ille e wherethe meaninglul dala ends afld the unknown begins 64 field A user defined subdivision of...

Page 35: ...netic Iraces s ring Any sequence 01 charaeters whlch musl be examined verbatim lor meaning in other words the string does nol COHespond to a quantily For example Ihenumber 1234 represenls lne same qua...

Page 36: ...B _ 8 GOTO 8 Graphie Charaeler Codes 23 Graphies Sereen Resolution Table 27 H 30 HEX 16 1 30 IF TH EN ELSE 8 IIM 31 INC 43 INKEY 16 68 INPUT 8 INSTR 8 INT 16 IRQ 46 JMP 43 JOYIN 19 Joystick Controller...

Page 37: ...Requiremeots 59 PRINTTAB 11 PRINT USING 11 PSET 12 PSHS 44 PUlS 44 PUlU _ 44 PUT 12 a _ 3O R 3O REAC 12 REM _ 12 RENAME 12 RENUM 12 RESET _ _ 12 RESTART 45 RESTORE _ 12 RETURN _ 12 RIGHTS 17 ROl 45 R...

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