PCH ALL-OFF - appears when you press PRIORITY and all of the scanner's
priority channels are empty or locked out.
PC - appears with PROGRAM when you set the scanner to the data transfer
ConnECt - appears while you transfer frequencies from a personal computer
to the scanner.
FiniSH - appears when all frequencies have been successfully transferred
from a personal computer to the scanner.
1-Error - appears instead of ConnECt when a checksum error occurred
while transferring frequencies (data transfer stops).
2-Error - appears instead of FiniSH when out -of-range data on either a
channel or a frequency was encountered while transferring
3-Error - appears instead of ConnECt when a communications error occurred
while transferring frequencies (data transfer stops).
Search Bands
Your scanner can tune over 32,000 different frequencies. Many of these
frequencies are grouped within permanent memory locations called
search bands (1-17).
Band Search Description
01 29 -30 10 -Meter Amateur Radio
02 30 -50 VHF Lo
03 50 -54 6 -Meter Amateur Radio
04 108 -136 Aircraft
05 144 -148 2 -Meter Amateur Radio
06 148 -174 VHF Hi
07 380 -384 Military Aircraft
08 406 -420 Government
09 420 -450 70 -Centimeter Amateur Radio
10 450 -470 UHF Lo
11 851 -856 UHF Hi
12 856 -866 UHF Hi
13 866 -869 UHF Hi
14 935 -940 UHF Hi
15 940 -941 UH F Hi
16 941 -952 UHF Hi
17 952 -960 33 -Centimeter Amateur Radio
You can search these bands to quickly find active frequencies you
might want to store into the scanner's channels. For example, if you
wanted to search for transmissions between pilots and the control tower at
an air show, you could search only the search bands where you are most
likely to hear the transmissions (4 and 7).
NOTES: The scanner can search for transmissions on fre quencies that are
not stored in any of the search bands.