ADV0801 Owner’s Manual Draft
Motorola 3600 baud control channel qq% SID:ssss Stt
where qq=decoding quality of the control channel data,
SID=System ID, and S=Site Number
P25 9600 BPS control channel
qq% Nnnn W:wwwww
Sys:sss Rrr Stt
where qq=decoding quality of the control channel data,
N=NAC, W=WACN, SYS=System ID, R=RFSS, and
S=Site Number
EDACS control channel
qq% S:ss h/H s/S a/A
where qq=decoding quality of the control channel data,
S=Site ID, h/H=not home site/is home site, s/S=not SCAT
site/is SCAT site, a/A=not Aux CC/is Aux CC
LTR home repeater
where HR=the home repeater number of the tuned
frequency, A-HH-GGG=the Area, Home Repeater and
Group ID of the LTR talkgroup
Motorola analog voice channel
VC: lsTGID-nnnnn
where lsTGID shows the decoded talkgroup ID data from
the lowspeed data stream
Please note that the analog lowspeed data protocol does
not provide error correction, and some false “VC: lsTGID”
readings should be expected.
You may wish to use the ADV0801’s Tune LED feature to obtain a visual indication of signal
strength using the tri-color LED. To activate the Tune LED, press PGM, then the GLOB softkey.
Press the v key until Tune LED: Off appears in the display. Use the < > keys to toggle Tune
LED on or off, then press the SAVE softkey to save your changes to the radio’s configuration
Using dedicated Limit and Service search modes
The SRCH key provides immediate access to the dedicated search modes of your ADV0801.
Pressing the SRCH key cycles through each search mode in this order: Limit, Railroad, Public
Safety, Aircraft, Ham, CB, Marine, and FRS/GMRS/MURS/DOT.
LMIT Search Mode
Your scanner’s dedicated LMIT search mode provides you with the ability to create a limit
search with a search frequency range between upper and lower limit frequencies that you
specify and perform the limit search directly without creating a new LMIT object. You can then
monitor that frequency range for transmissions.
To enter LMIT mode, press the SRCH key on the keypad repeatedly until the display indicates
LMIT search.
Use the Lmts softkey to set the lower and upper frequency limits for your limit search.