ADV0801 Owner’s Manual Draft
HINT: You can also toggle lockout anytime you are viewing an object menu in Program mode by
pressing L/OUT.
Search Lockout
Search lockout works with certain search objects, including LMIT searches, some SRVC
searches, and STLK objects. Frequency lockout is used to lock out undesired frequencies that
are found during searches.
To apply search lockout during a search, press the FrL/O softkey while the scanner is stopped
on the undesired frequency.
Applying search lockout to an undesired frequency adds that frequency to the Search Lockout
List, a list of frequencies that the scanner ignores when performing searches or during Signal
Stalker II operations. You can edit or clear the Search Lockout List by following these steps:
Press PGM
Press the GLOB softkey
Scroll down to the SRCH L/Outs: item and press SEL
Scroll to the frequencies you wish to remove from the lockout list and press the Del softkey to
remove them from the list.
Scroll to an empty spot and enter any frequency you wish to manually add to the list.
Press FUNC, then the Del softkey to clear the entire list.
Talkgroup Lockout
Talkgroup lockout is similar to search lockout, as it allows you to lockout undesired talkgroups
while searching for new talkgroup activity with wildcard TGRP objects.
To apply lockout on an undesired wildcard hit, press the TGL/O softkey while the scanner is
stopped on the undesired talkgroup.
Applying wildcard lockout to an undesired talkgroup creates a new TGRP object in the same
Scan List as the wildcard TGRP, then applies permanent lockout to the new TGRP object, so
that will be ignored in the future by the scanner when scanning the wildcard talkgroup. To
unlock or edit talkgroups locked out using the wildcard lockout feature, press PGM, then
navigate to the object using the 5-way pushbutton pad. Press FUNC, then L/OUT to remove
permanent lockout from the talkgroup. Press FUNC, then CL to delete the TGRP object from
the scanner. Press the EDIT, then the CURR softkey to edit and save the TGRP object.
Setting the Default Scan List
By default, your scanner will store all new objects, and objects found during Search, Tune, and
Stalker as mapped to Scan List 01.
You can easily change the default Scan List to any Scan List you specify, including the special
FAV and SKYWARN Scan Lists.