Federal Communications Commission
§ 95.601
short time in order to test the trans-
(b) You are responsible for the proper
operation of the station at all times
and are expected to provide for obser-
vations, servicing and maintenance as
often as may be necessary to ensure
proper operation. You must have all in-
ternal repairs or internal adjustments
to your CB transmitter made in ac-
cordance with the Technical Regula-
tions (see subpart E). The internal re-
pairs or internal adjustments should be
performed by or under the immediate
supervision and responsibility of a per-
son certified as technically qualified to
perform transmitter maintenance and
repair duties in the private land mobile
services and fixed services by an orga-
nization or committee representative
of users in those services.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section, each internal repair
and each internal adjustment of a CB
transmitter in which signals are trans-
mitted must be made using a nonradi-
ating (‘‘dummy’’) antenna.
(d) Brief test signals (signals not
longer than one minute during any five
minute period) using a radiating an-
tenna may be transmitted in order to:
(1) Adjust an antenna to a trans-
(2) Detect or measure radiation of en-
ergy other than the intended signal; or
(3) Tune a receiver to your CB trans-
(Secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i) and 303(r),
and sec. 553 of the Administrative Proce-
dures Act, 5 U.S.C. 553)
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at 49
FR 20673, May 16, 1984]
§ 95.425
(CB Rule 25) May I make any
changes to my CB station trans-
(a) You must not make or have any
one else make any internal modifica-
tion to your CB transmitter.
(b) Internal modification does not in-
(1) Repair or servicing of a CB station
transmitter (see CB Rule 24, § 95.424); or
(2) Changing plug-in modules which
were certificated as part of your CB
(c) You must not operate a CB trans-
mitter which has been modified by any-
one in any way, including modification
to operate on unauthorized frequencies
or with illegal power. (See CB Rules 9
and 11, §§ 95.409 and 95.411.)
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at 63
FR 36610, July 7, 1998]
§ 95.426
(CB Rule 26) Do I have to
make my CB station available for
(a) If an authorized FCC representa-
tive requests to inspect your CB sta-
tion, you must make your CB station
and records available for inspection.
(b) A CB station includes all of the
radio equipment you use.
§ 95.427
(CB Rule 27) What are my sta-
tion records?
Your station records include the fol-
lowing documents, as applicable.
(a) A copy of each response to an FCC
violation notice or an FCC letter. (See
CB Rule 22, § 95.422.)
(b) Each written permission received
from the FCC. (See CB Rule 19, § 95.419.)
§ 95.428
(CB Rule 28) How do I contact
the FCC?
(a) FCC National Call Center at 1–
(b) FCC World Wide Web homepage:
(c) In writing, to FCC, Attention: CB,
1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA
[63 FR 68976, Dec. 14, 1998]
Subpart E— Technical Regulations
: 53 FR 36789, Sept. 22, 1988, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 95.601
Basis and purpose.
This section provides the technical
standards to which each
paratus that converts electrical energy
received from a source into RF (radio
frequency) energy capable of being ra-
diated) used or intended to be used in a
station authorized in any of the Per-
sonal Radio Services must comply.
This section also provides require-
ments for obtaining certification for
such transmitters. The Personal Radio
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