Radijator FK1 Instruction Manual Download Page 23

Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića

- Solunca br.6, Srbija

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs

e-mail: [email protected]



Kratko uputstvo za korisnika automatike


učiti glavni prekidač

Pritisnuti taster

i držati 5 sekundi.

Prekid rada kotla na pelet vrši se pritiskom na taster

i držajem 5 sekundi.


Promena jačine ventilatora u radnom režimu

blinka ventilator

izabrati jačinu


potvrditi izbor


Promena zadate temperature u kotlu

blinka ventilator

blinka temp. vode

izabrati temp.




Kako očitati temperaturu vode

u akumulatoru ili bojleru (ukoliko

sistem poseduje akumulator tople vode ili bojler)

blinka vetilator




ko očitati temperaturu

dimovodnih gasova

blinka ventilator




Ulazak u skriveni meni

Pritisnuti taster

i držati,odmah zatim pritisnuti


i držati oba taster 5 sekundi. Odmah po

ulasku u skriveni MENI na displeju piše

CL 00. To je prvi parametar.

Za povratak korak nazad, koristite tester



Sve  funkcije  koje  obavlja  automatika  izvršavaju  se  na  osnovu  dve  ulazne  informacije  a  to  su

temperatura vode u kotlu i temperatura dimnih gasova na izlazu iz kotla.

Summary of Contents for FK1

Page 1: ...ne proizvođača za štetu uzrokovanu osobama životinjama ili stvarima u slučaju grešaka pri montaži regulaciji održavanju ili nepravilnom korišćenju U slučaju curenje vode isključiti uređaj sa električnog napajanja zatvoriti napajanje vodom i obavestiti ovlašćeni servisi ili ovlašćenog montera Ovo uputstvo je sastavni deo uređaja i mora se čuvati sa pažnjom i mora UVEK pratiti uređaj i u slučaju pro...

Page 2: ...ontaža 3 1 Mere i uredjaji bezbednosti kod kotlova FK 3 2 Kotlarnica 3 3 Priključenje na dimnjak 4 Presek FK kotla sa opisom elemenata 5 Električna šema spoljnog povezivanja 6 Tabela sa tehničkim podacima 7 Hidraulička šema povezivanja FK kotla 8 Start rada kotla loženje i održavanje 8 1 Start rada kotla na čvrsto gorivo 8 2 Loženje kotla 8 3 Održavanje kotla 9 Kratko uputstvo za korisnika automat...

Page 3: ...erijala u blizini kotla i u blizini vrata za loženje Pepeo se mora odlagati u zatvorene i nezapaljive spremnike Zabranjeno je spaljivanje otpada i materijala čije sagorevanje prouzrokuje plamen ili opasnost od eksplozije npr plastične kese piljevinu ugljenu prašinu blato itd Zabranjena je bilo kakva intervencija tehničkog lica ili čišćenje pre nego se kotao isključi sa električnog napajanja postav...

Page 4: ...skih besavnih cevi kvaliteta St 35 4 Resetkasta vrata na otvoru za ciscenje i potpalu napravljena su od sivog livenog gvozdja U zadnjem delu lozista postoje cigle koje su izradjene od vatrostalnog materijala koji akumulira toplotu Sve celicne pozicije kotla seku se najmodernijim laserskim postupkom i zavaruju vrhunskim tehnologijama zavarivanja ukljucujuci i robotsku Ispitivanje i atestiranje kotl...

Page 5: ...anja Osnovni zahtevi koje treba ispostovati prilikom montiranja su Kotao može da bude prikljucen i na zatvoreni i na otvoreni sistem centralnog grejanja Ukoliko je sistem zatvoren kotao poseduje bakarni izmenjivač za priključenje ventila za termičko osiguranje oticanjem VTO Kotao mora da se nalazi na sigurnoj udaljenosti od lako zapaljivih materijala Elektricno napajanje kotla je 230V i 50Hz i pri...

Page 6: ...a poseduje validnu dokumentaciju Ventil sigurnosti mora biti montiran na najvišoj tački kotla i direktno na kotlu bez bilo kakvog cevovoda ili bilo kojih drugih elemenata između Za ovu svrhu postoji i posebno predviđen priključak videti sliku Strogo je zabranjeno bilo kakvo reduciranje prečnika ovog priključka Ispusni tj izduvni deo ventila sigurnosti mora da bude od cevi čiji je prečnik najmanje ...

Page 7: ...a na instalaciju i na slici 4 U kotlu se isporučuje bakarna spirala tako da je potrebno koristiti VTO sa izmenjivačem kao na slici3 Do VTO a se dovodi hladna sanitarna voda Kada sonda VTO a ima informaciju da je temp preko 95 stepeni VTO se otvara i voda prolazi kroz bakarnu spiralu Posle izvesnog vremena temp vode u kotlu se vraća na normalnu Jedan priključak spirale koristimo za VTO a drugi za i...

Page 8: ...tatori temp vode u kotlu Zbog sigurnosne uloge u funkcionisanju kotla oba termostata imaju nezavisne sonde za merenje temperature vode Prvi termostat je tzv radni i on služi da ograniči temperaturu do nivoa koji želi korisnik Drugi termostat je sigurnosni jer prekida rad ventilatora koji pospešuje plamen odnosno dodaje novu energiju Sigurnosna temperatura je ograničena na 95 stepeni Celzijusa Pump...

Page 9: ...nesmetan pristup ventilatoru i ventilu za punjenje i praznjenje Situacija polozaja kotla u odnosu na bocni zid sa skice moze biti i ogledalno simetricna jer kotao poseduje bocne otvore za ciscenje sa obe strane Rucica klapne za potpalu je demontazna i moze se staviti i na levu i na desnu stranu kotla Kotlarnica mora da poseduje dovoljne otvore za ventilaciju kako za svez vazduh tako i za odvodjenj...

Page 10: ...i u kojoj se nalazi kotao Ventilacioni otvori su neophodni za pravilno sagorevanje 3 2 Priključenje na dimnjak Najoptimalnije postavljanje kotla na dimnjacu je takvo da prava koja spaja centar izlaza dimnih gasova iz kotla i centar prikljucenja na dimnjak bude u blagom usponu do 3 pogledati skicu slika 7 Prikaz prikljucenja kotla na dimnjak Treba izbegavati ako je moguce lukove a ako nije onda je ...

Page 11: ... bude po odredjenim propisima Razlikuju se dva slucaja ako je ugao krova manji od 12 ْ i ako je ugao krova veci od 12 ْ Za ugao manji od 12 ْ visine dimnjaka iznad krova je 1m a za ugao veci od 12 ْ treba pogledati skicu Ukoliko mislite da je dimnjak prejak i da isuvise hladnog vazduha prolazi kroz kotao na izlazu iz kotla postoji klapna kojom moze da se smanji protok izduvnih gasova Dimnjak treba...

Page 12: ...a vrata za loženje 9 Opeka ložišta 2 Donja vrata za čišćenje i potpalu 10 Vazdušni kanal 3 Rešetkasta vrata ložišta 11 Cev sekundarnog vazduha 4 Unutrašnji poklopac gornjeg otvora 12 Turbulatori 5 Spoljašnji poklopac gorjeg ovora 13 Ventilator 6 Donji otvor za čišćenje 14 Automatika 7 Klapna za radni i položaj potpale 15 Spirala termičkog osiguranja 8 Klapna dimnjače 16 Češalj 1 11 15 14 7 5 4 8 1...

Page 13: ...ator Inženjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo Živojina Lazića Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 13 5 Električna šema spoljnih priključenja ...

Page 14: ...ontakt Drugi tropolni konektor je za priključenje sonde za merenje temperature u akumulatoru ili bojleru za sanitarnu vodu Ova sonda se uvek isporučuje uz kotao Ukoliko sonda za merenje temperature vode u akumulatoru odnosno bojleru sanitarne vode nije dovoljno dugačka moguće je produžiti običnim provodnicima Sedmopolni konektor je za priključni mrežni kabal i za priključenje cirkulacione pumpe i ...

Page 15: ... zagrevanja akumulatora preko odgovarajuće pumpe onda hidraulička šema treba da je kao na slici 10 Mesto merenja sonde temperature vode u akumulatoru je označeno sa S2 Da bi automatika pravilno vodila rad te pumpe za hidrauličku vezu i sa akumulatorom onda je potrebno parametar P37 podesiti na vrednost 4 Ukoliko želimo da automatika vodi proces zagrevanja sanitarne vode i to preko odgovarajuće pum...

Page 16: ...voda C ْ 90 90 90 90 Min temp povratnog voda C ْ 60 60 60 60 Zapremina magacina za ogrev m 0 08 0 09 0 13 0 16 Stepen iskoriscenja 85 85 85 85 DIMENZIJE A mm 480 528 578 668 A1 540 580 640 728 B 790 885 955 965 B1 1150 1280 1311 1340 C 807 907 957 1107 ØD 160 180 200 200 E 940 1040 1072 1122 F 290 294 304 302 H 1162 1220 1274 1324 D1 col 1 1 5 4 5 4 D2 1 1 5 4 5 4 D3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 D4 1 2 1 2 1 2...

Page 17: ... povezivanja FK kotla Hidraulička šema Opis 1 Kotao FK 2 Ventil 3 Mešni ventil 4 Pumpa 5 Izmenjivač radijator 6 Sigurnosna grupa 7 Sigurnosni ventil 8 Ekspanziona posuda 9 Slavina 10 Ventil termičkog osiguranja 11 Sonda ventila termičkog osiguranja Prilikom montaže na hidrauličku instalaciju kotao mora biti obezbeđen na propisan način od prekoračenja maksimalne radne temperature i pritiska ...

Page 18: ...grejanja koji priključuje kotao na hidraulički sistem Radijator inženjering kao proizvođač kotla ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost za štete prouzrokovane lošim instaliranjem kotla Hidraulička šema sa akumulatorom 1 Kotao FK 2 Ventil 3 Mešni ventil 4 Pumpa 5 Izmenjivač radijator 6 Sigurnosna grupa 7 Sigurnosni ventil 8 Ekspanziona posuda 9 Slavina 10 Ventil termičkog osiguranja 11 Sonda ventila termi...

Page 19: ... Otvor treba da bude u gornjoj zoni da ne bi vremenom došlo do prekrivanja sonde pepelom Takođe proveriti da klapna na dimnjači kotla ne udara u sondu Bez sonde za temp dimnih gasove kotao ne može da radi 4 Unutar kotla postoji klapna za usmerivanje dimnih gasova u dva režima radni i položaj za potpalu Ovom klapnom se rukuje pomoću ručice na bočnoj strani kotla Pomeriti ručicu u smeru ka dimnjaku ...

Page 20: ... rad ventilatora i to pritiskom na dugme STOP videti brzo uputstvo za rad automatike Kotao je moguce loziti i ugljenom prasinom i redosled operacija je isti Razlika je u tome sto se kotao prvo napuni ugljenom prasinom a na vrh se stavi papir i drvo za potpalu Kotao se koristi i za drva i za ugalj kao gorivo ili za njihovu mešavinu s tim da je naša preporuka da maksimalni nivo punjenja sa ugljem bu...

Page 21: ...enja se vrsi tek kada predhodni ogrev izgori Kotao u procesu rada treba nadgledati jednom u 5 6 sati Otvaranje gornjih vrata za lozenje u toku rada raditi sto redje i to samo radi pregleda rada kotla Vrata tada moraju da se otvore veoma sporo a oprezno i to prvo samo malo i tako ih zadrzati desetak sekundi a onda do kraja Veoma je opasno otvoriti gornja vrata u situaciji kada ventilator neradi Tad...

Page 22: ...rsini kotla je 5 slabije provodjenje toplote Naročito je bitno redovno vaditi iz kotla i čistiti turbulatore U suprotnom dolazi do situacije da je turbulatore nemoguće izvaditi iz kotla a pepeo ih je potpuno blokirao tako da nema prolaska dimnih gasova Na svaki sedam dana treba ocistiti i ventilator Do njega se dolazi skidanjem limene zastite koja je spojena sa limenom izolacijom kotla elasticnom ...

Page 23: ...ka ventilator blinka temp vode izabrati temp ili potvrditi 8 3 Kako očitati temperaturu vode u akumulatoru ili bojleru ukoliko sistem poseduje akumulator tople vode ili bojler blinka vetilator Puff 8 4 Kako očitati temperaturu dimovodnih gasova blinka ventilator Puff Fuml 8 5 Ulazak u skriveni meni Pritisnuti taster i držati odmah zatim pritisnuti taster i držati oba taster 5 sekundi Odmah po ulas...

Page 24: ... JE BROJ START KOMANDNO DUGME 4 Uključuje rad sistema ON kada se drži neprekidno 5 sekundi Pritiskom u Meniju Menu povišava vrednost parametara STOP KOMANDNO DUGME 3 Isključuje rad sistema OFF kada se drži neprekidno 5 sekundi Pritiskom u Meniju Menu snižava vrednost parametara SET Sezona KOMANDNO DUGME 2 Kada se neprekidno drži pritisnutim 5 sekundi bira godišnje doba Leto Zima Pritiskom u Meniju...

Page 25: ...JUČEN kada je temperatura vode u kotlu iznad temperature T KOTAO A03 5 Svetleća dioda Izduv UKLJUČEN kada je temperatura izduva iznad T IZDUV UKLJ F18 TREPĆE tokom režima predgašenje Vreme predgašenja t06 6 Svetleća dioda Chrono UKLJUČEN kada je ulaz Chrono zatvoren 7 Svetleća dioda Leto UKLJUČEN kada je izabrano godišnje doba Leto 8 Svetleća dioda Zima UKLJUČEN kada je izabrano godišnje doma Zima...

Page 26: ...el 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 26 Ukoliko je alarm uključen Displej će pokazati alternativne kodove grešaka Otvoren je priključak za ručno resetovanje Prekoračenje temperature vode u kotlu Ne uspelo paljenje Slučajno gašenje ...

Page 27: ...putstava o korišćenju i održavanju videti tačku 8 i 9 Tehničkog uputstva 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima propisana i deklarisana kvalitetna svojstva Obavezujemo se da ćemo na zahtev kupca ako pravovremeno u garancijskom roku podnese zahtev za popravku o svakom trošku izvršiti sve popravke kvarova tako da će proizvod raditi u skladu sa deklarisanim svojstvima da će proizvod u gara...

Page 28: ...deklarisanih svojstava i u normalnim okolnostima ukoliko se utvrdi da hidraulička šema nije urađena po preporukama firme Radijator inžinjering ukoliko se utvrdi da kotao u toku korišćenja nije redovno održavan i čišćen na opeka u ložištu na livena rešetkasta vratanca 5 Garancijski rok prestaje da važi ako se ustanovi da je kvarove otklanjala neovlašćena osoba ili neovlašćeni servis ako kod popravk...

Page 29: ...ures and safety devices for boilers 3 2 Boiler room 3 3 Connection to the chimney 4 Cross section of FK Boiler with a description of the boiler elements 5 Schematic connection of automation 6 Table of technical data 7 Hydraulic scheme 8 Boiler Operation and Maintenance 8 1 Operation start of the solid fuel boiler 8 2 Adding fuel during operation of solid fuel boiler 8 3 Maintenance of boiler 9 Sho...

Page 30: ...eating boiler having the contact with electric power and water asks for the respect of safety measures such as It is forbidden to use the heating boiler by children and persons with limited capabilities without attendance It is forbidden to use boiler installations operating at temperatures higher then 110 C and pressure greater than 3 bar It is forbidden to use the easy inflammable fuels alcohol ...

Page 31: ...ilers of the quality St 35 4 Lattice door in the opening for cleaning and firing is manufactured in gray iron In the rear part of the firing place there are the bricks made of refractory material which accumulates the heat All steel items of the heating boiler are cut by means of the most up to date laser procedure and are welded in the top quality welding technology including robotics Testing and...

Page 32: ...inst the excessive overpressure and overheating For the proper installation the plumber installer is responsible The manufacturer Radijator inzenjering does not take any responsibility coming from the incorrect installation of the boiler Basic requirements that should be delivered during assembly are the unit must be connected onto the open heating system the unit must be located at a safe distanc...

Page 33: ...oiler without any pipeline or any other elements in between For this purpose there is a specially designed connector see picture Any reduction in diameter of the connector is prohibitted The vent ie the exhaust of safety valve must be of pipes with a diameter at least equal to the nominal diameter of the exhaust part of valve Also it is allowed to use maximum one bend of the radius r 3d The safety...

Page 34: ...il so it is necessary to use the VTO with trhe exchanger as shown in Figure 4 Cold sanitary water is brought to the VTO When the VTO probe has the information that the temperature is over 95 degrees the VTO is opened and water flows through copper coil After some time the temperature of water in boiler returns to its normal state One connection of coil is used for VTO and the other for draining of...

Page 35: ...e boiler Because of the safety role in the functioning of the boiler both thermostats have the independent probes for measuring of water temperature The first thermostat is the so called working thermostat work and it serves to limit the temperature to a level the user wants Another thermostat is the safety thermostat because it stops the opration of the fan which favors the flame and adds a new e...

Page 36: ...e installed then the space can be smaller The flap handle for firing is removable and can be placed either on the left or right side of the boiler The space on the right side of the boiler which is recommended to be at least 800mm from the silo is important because after cleaning the boiler the user then goes and pulls out the ashtray from the back of the firebox Boiler room must have sufficient v...

Page 37: ...ings are necessary for proper combustion 3 3 Connection to the chimney The boiler TKAN works on forced draft but the rules should be respected as if the selection of the chimney were for the boiler working on over pressure in the combustion chamber some other fuel like oil fuel for example Otherwise the problems may occur in the work especially in the ignition phase and in the mode of solid fuel I...

Page 38: ...lue gases there isn t the automatic mode of the boiler The chimney itself should be made of ceramic pipes and around them there should be the insulation of 3 5cm thickness and the outer layer is of the bricks or special elements If the chimney is not from ceramic pipes but of bricks the light opening area of such chimney shall be 30 higher than the surface of this ceramic pipes chimeny Minimal sec...

Page 39: ... or at least once a year If the chimney is not of proper height cross section or if it is not enough clean as possible then the complications in the work of boiler are possible First of all it is not possible to achieve the high teperature regime of work i e there is not the maximum operation power and the consequence of that is the occyrrence of condensation which affects the life of the boiler W...

Page 40: ...er door for wood loading 9 Brick 2 Lower door for firewood and cleaning 10 Channel to air 3 Door gretting cost iron gretting 11 Pipe for secundary air 4 Inside cover for cleaning 12 Turbulators 5 Outside cover for cleaning 13 Fan 6 Lateral lower cover for cleaning 14 Automatic 7 Flap for the working position and the position of the ignition 15 Copper spiral for thermical security 8 Flap of chimney...

Page 41: ...dijator Inženjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo Živojina Lazića Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 41 Schematic connection of automation ...

Page 42: ...sed normally closed contact The second three pole connector for connecting the probe for measuring the temperature in the battery or in boiler for domestic sanitary water This probe is always supplied with the boiler If the probe for measuring water temperature in the battery or in the hot water heater is not long enough it is possible to extend it with ordinary conductors Seven pole connector is ...

Page 43: ...ppropriate pump then the hydraulic scheme should be as shown in Figure 10 The point of probe measuring for water temperature in the puffer is marked with S2 In order to run operation of automation properly for the hydraulic connection and with the then it is necessary to adjust the parameter P37 onto the value 4 If we want the automation to keep the process of heating the sanitary water through th...

Page 44: ... ْ 90 90 90 90 Min temp cold water C ْ 60 60 60 60 Volume of fuel in boiler m 0 08 0 09 0 13 0 16 Efficiency 85 85 85 85 Dimensions A mm 480 528 578 668 A1 540 580 640 728 B 790 885 955 965 B1 1150 1280 1311 1340 C 807 907 957 1107 ØD 160 180 200 200 E 940 1040 1072 1122 F 290 294 304 302 H 1162 1220 1274 1324 D1 col 1 1 5 4 5 4 D2 1 1 5 4 5 4 D3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 D4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 D5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1...

Page 45: ...c scheme Description 1 FK boiler 2 Valve 3 Mixing valve 4 Pump 5 Heat exchanger 6 Safety group 7 Safety valve 8 Expansive vessel 9 Valve for filling emptying 10 Over heating temperature safety valve 11 Sonda probe for safety valve In an assembly the boiler should be properly protected against the excessive overpressure and overheating For the proper installation the plumber installer is responsibl...

Page 46: ...cturer Radijator inzenjering does not take any responsibility coming from the incorrect installation of the boiler Hidraulic scheme with akumulator Description 1 FK boiler 2 Valve 3 Mixing valve 4 Pump 5 Heat exchanger 6 Safety group 7 Safety valve 8 Expansive vessel 9 Valve for filling emptying 10 Over heating temperature safety valve 11 Sonda probe for safety valve 12 Akumulator ...

Page 47: ...ole air is vented out of the boiler 2 Plug the mains supply into the network socket Press the main switch of the automation system Then the display starts and is visible and after a few seconds there should appear OFF 3 On the hot gas pipe as close as possible to the boiler drill the hole for the boiler flue gas probe The opening should be in the upper zone so as not to produce the covering of the...

Page 48: ...n Reading of temperature of the flue gases is done by briefly pressing the command button 1 then command button 3 and then the command button 2 On the display there will appear the temperature of flue gases This is described in the instructions for fast handling of automation 8 2 Adding fuel during operation of solid fuel boiler During operation of the boiler it is possible to add the amount of co...

Page 49: ...ored once within every 5 6 hours Opening the upper door for firing during the operation should be performed as rarely as possible only for an examination of the boiler The door must then be opened very slowly and cautiously at first only slightly keeping it i that position for ten seconds and then open it fully It is very dangerous to open the upper door in the situation when the fan is not workin...

Page 50: ... and through the hole on the roof of boiler by means of cleaning equipment remove the tar and grime from all surfaces of the boiler Then take out the turbulators directing gas units and clean them too Cleaning of fire box should be done through the upper and lower doors Each millimeter of tar on the inside surface of the boiler results in 5 less heat conduction It is particularly essential to regu...

Page 51: ...lime solution This way the acid remaining in the boiler will be neutralized At the end of the heating season the boiler must be cleaned thoroughly and carry out the neutralization of acid in the already mentioned manner All openings are to be closed so as the air circulation does not pass through the boiler and also this can cause moisture in the boiler Maintenance of the boiler is one of the most...

Page 52: ...ks water temperature blinks choose temperature or confirm 9 3 How to read the water temperature in the battery or water heater if the system has a battery pack or hot water heater fan blinks Puff 9 4 How to read the temperature of flue gases fan blinks Puff Fuml 9 5 Entry into the hidden menu Push button and keep immediately push button and keep both button for 5 sesonds Immediately after the entr...

Page 53: ...System Pushed in Menu it increments a parameter s value STOP Pushed for five seconds it switches OFF the System Pushed in Menu it decrements a parameter s value SET Season Pushed for five seconds it selects the Season Summer Winter Pushed in Menu it changes the visualization from parameter s code to parameter s value and it permits to save a new setting ESC Menu This button permits to enter exit t...

Page 54: ...rature is over that value OFF when the Water temperature is over TH BOILER A03 5 LedExhaust ON when Exhaust temperature is over TH EXHAUST ON F18 Blinking during the Pre Extinguishing phase Pre Extinguishing TIME t06 6 LedChrono ON when the Chrono Input contact is closed 7 LedSummer ON when the selected Season is Summer 8 LedWinter ON when the selected Season is Winter 9 LedFloswitch ON when the F...

Page 55: ...tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 55 If there are alarms the Display will show alternatively ALt ErrorCode Errors Codes Rearmed Safety Thermostat contact is open Over Temperature Water Failed Ignition Accidental Extinguishing ...

Page 56: ...and maintain the boiler see item 8 and 9 2 Warranty statement We herewith declare the product has the prescribed and declared quality properties We are committed we will on the request of the buyer if he timely submits the Request for the repair within the warranty period do at any expense all repairs so that the product will operate in accordance with the declared properties that the product is w...

Page 57: ...mstances if it is determined that the hydraulic scheme is not done according to the recommendations of the Radijator inžinjering if it is determined that the boiler during use is not regularly maintained and cleaned on bricks in boiler on cast iron gratings door 5 Warranty period expires if it is determined that the defects were removed by the unauthorized persons or unauthorized service if at rep...

Page 58: ...___________________________________ pečat stamp Adresa Address to Telefon Phone Datum prodaje Date of Sale Potrosač ima sva prava na osnovu Zakona o zaštiti potrošača Sl glasnik RS br erbia62 2014 Garancija ne isključuje niti utiče na prava potrošača koja proizilaze iz zakonske odgovornosti prodavca za nesaobzirnost robe u ugovoru The consumer shall exercise all rights under the Consumer Protectio...
