RD-30 Operations Manual
Product Introduction
1.2 Laboratory Applications
The accuracy and precision provided by the RD-30 allows it to easily test portable field standards
of lesser accuracy. The optional built-in comparator allows for automatic test result calculations
for the field standard being tested.
1.3 Test Table Applications
Due to its small package size, the RD-30 can easily be used as the reference within test tables
whenever a higher level of accuracy is desired. Programmable pulse outputs coupled with an RS-
232 communications port make it easy to receive data from the RD-30.
1.4 Field Testing Applications
With a weight of only 6.81 kg (15 pounds), the RD-30 is conducive to field-testing applications
where a high level of accuracy is desired. The optional built-in comparator allows for automatic
test result calculations of the meter being tested.
1.5 Power Analysis
Unlike off-the-shelf A/D Converters used in other instruments, Radian’s Dytronic
A/D Converter is specifically designed and optimized for power and energy measurement. This
unique design allows the RD-30 to accurately measure non- sinusoidal waveforms up to and
including the 204
harmonic order. Measurement parameters include the phase and amplitude of
each harmonic as well as the total harmonic distortion. The unprecedented accuracy of measuring
distorted waveforms combines with this optional powerc analysis capability to clearly distinguish
the RD-30 as the definitive portable three-phase electricity standard for both meter testing and
power quality applications. This power analysis option is also useful when testing meters using
customer load.
1.6 Customer Load Testing
For those applications where meter testing with customer load is desired, the RD-30 is an
obvious choice because of its ability to accurately measure energy and power even with distorted
waveforms. The optional clamp-on current transformer inputs on each phase allows for testing
the meter using customer load without the need of interrupting service.