RD-30 Operations Manual
Step 4
Use the onscreen keyboard (see Section 8.10) to enter the DUT1 serial number.
Step 5
Use the onscreen keyboard to enter DUT Kh value.
Step 6
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the DUT screen to enter/select the Pulses or Time Duration,
Test Function, Phase and DUT Type. Repeat Step 6 for all applicable DUT(s).
Step 7
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Standard Test screen to enter/select the number of repeats
to perform.
Step 8
Use the stylus and navigate to the Run Tab. Select the appropriate DUT(s) by checking the
associated box at the bottom of the screen.
Step 9
Tap the RUN Button to initiate the test. Once complete, the Percent Registration, Percent Error,
Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested, Minimum Percent Registration, Minimum Percent
Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum Percent Metric, Standard Deviation of Percent
Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error, Standard Deviation of Number Pulses and
Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are reported.
Step 10
Using the stylus, select the Save Button and navigate to the View Results Tab. Select the View
Results Button and enter the date of the test. Select the View Button to view the results.
Application Information