Version 1.0 - June 2015
User manual MV-RAD
4.3 User menu
Pressing the menu button for more than three seconds will display the user menu. In this menu, the menu
options can be selected using the arrow keys and confirmed with the menu key.
1. Voorselectie (Preset / Vorwahl)
This menu option allows you to select and save up to four torques and/or angles as a shortcut. This
menu option can be selected using the “M” key. The following sub-menu allows you to select or save
a preset. The following sub-menu shows the available settings. The different settings can be selected
using the arrow keys. The selection is confirmed by pressing the menu key. When saving the setting,
the selected value will be overwritten.
2. Onderhoudsteller (Maintenance counter / Wartungszähler)
This option allows you to view the number of joints after the last service interval and schedule the next
service interval.
3. Totaalteller (Cycle counter / Gesamtzähler)
This option displays the total number of joints since the delivery of the tool.
4. Informatie (Information / Informationen)
This option displays the tool information. This information is required for the telephone detection of
errors by RAD Torque Systems B.V.
5. Wachtwoord (Password / Kennwort)
When entering a password, you will enter the following sub-menu. Here, the following options are
• Reset the maintenance counter
• Change the menu language (English or German)
• Change the torque setting unit (Nm or ft/lbs)
• Password: 02699
6. Terug (Back / Zurück)
With this function, you will return to the main menu and one step back in the menu navigation.
Operation of the torque wrench
5.1 Rotating counter clockwise
1. Connect the tool to the supply voltage. Observe the voltage indicated on the rating plate
2. Fix the reaction arm to the jagged side of the unit and secure it
3. Install the impact socket onto the square drive of the tool and secure it with the lock pin and the o-ring.
Only use proper impact sockets to this end.
4. Place the torque wrench and impact socket onto the nut
5. Preset the counter clockwise direction of rotation on the reverse lever
6. Rotate the reaction arm against a solid reaction point
7. Press the ON-button until the joint is loosened.
5.2 Rotating clockwise
1. Connect the tool to the supply voltage. Observe the voltage indicated on the rating plate
2. Fix the reaction arm to the jagged side of the unit and secure it
3. Install the impact socket onto the square drive of the tool and secure it with the lock pin and the o-ring.
Only use proper impact sockets to this end.
4. Place the torque wrench and impact socket onto the nut
5. Preset the clockwise direction of rotation on the reverse lever
Set the torque as specified
7. Rest the reaction arm against a solid reaction point
8. Press the ON-button until the tool switches off automatically.