The packet has been waiting for such a long time in the input buffer (4min) that it is discarded.
Fragment - sequence error
The serial number of the fragment does not correspond to that expected.
Fragment - total number error
Information about the total number of fragments does not correspond to the previous fragment.
Fragment - source address error
The received fragment is from another source address (serial number of radio modem) than the
previous fragment.
Fragment - receive timeout
The next fragment (does not apply to the first one) did not arrive within the timeout period (timeout
is given by the transmission time of a single fragment in RFC).
Fragmented packet being transmitted -> new packet delayed
Transmission of a packet has been held up (the packet is stored in the input buffer) owing to
transmission or receipt of a fragmented packet. During receipt this doesn't apply to the first fragment
(it is not yet known that it is a fragment).
Fragment - missing first fragment
A fragment not marked as the first has been received (and the first hasn't yet been received).
Compression inflate error
Packet decompression error.
Compression deflate error
Packet compression error.
Receive process interrupted
Received data is damaged because transmission occurred during receipt.
(ERR2) - header corrupted
FPGA does not understand the packet header (another version of the protocol in the air or interfer-
(CRC16) - header corrupted
CRC16 didn't appear in the header of the received packet.
(CRC32) - data corrupted
CRC32 didn't appear in the data of the received packet.
The following messages only for
Number of repeaters
> 0 :
Returned packet -> discarded
(for NoR>0)
The same packet that was sent arrived back during the timeout period.
Same packet -> discarded
(for NoR>0)
The same packet, but with a different source address, was repeatedly received during the timeout
TX delayed -> new packet delayed
(for NoR>0)
Packet transmission has been held up owing to activation of delays related to the repeater.
Narrowband radio modem ECONOMY RE400 – © RACOM s.r.o.