Inside the 1402 there are two rotary dip switches (SW1 and SW2)
and one two section dip switch (SW3). These are dual purpose
For normal operation as an identifier, switch SW1 must be in
position "0" and the other switches function as indicated on this
page. When SW1 in a position other than "0" the 1402 is in the
programming mode and SW1 determines the address to be programmed.
The other switches determine the data to be programmed at the
address of SW1. Program is discussed on the following pages.
Audio Output Level - R28:
R28 controls the amplitude of audio output seen between
TB1-7 and TB1-8, for purposes of setting modulation or
deviation levels.
Audio Monitor Sensitivity - R2 (Model 1402D only):
This control adjusts how much receiver audio voltage is
required to trigger the audio monitor circuitry. Each
individual installation may require touching up of this
control to match it to the receiver's audio output level.
The important consideration is to see that hum and noise
does not falsely trigger the circuit.
Code Speed - SW2:
When the unit is in normal operation, switch SW2 controls
the code speed as follows: Code speed is in words per minute.
SW2 Position | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Code Speed | 40 30 24 20 17 14 13 12 11 10
Interval Timer Mode - SW3-1:
When the unit is in normal operation, switch SW3-1 controls
if the interval timer will cycle continuously or only be
started by transmitter monitor terminal activity.
On - Started by transmitter monitor activity (Mode 3)
Open - Runs continuously (Mode 1)
This switch must be closed or on for operation in modes
2, 3 or 4.
Receiver COR Monitor State - SW3-2:
When the unit is in normal operation, switch SW3-2 controls
the state of the receiver COR monitor terminal as follows:
If the COR is not connected this switch should be set "open"
On - COR is active high
Open - COR is active low
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