VBOX III User Guide
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Local DGPS Basestation
When the VBOXIII is used in conjunction with a Local DGPS Basestation the positional accuracy can be improved from the standard 3m 95% CEP.
There are two available Basestation options:
40cm Positional accuracy:
If the VBOXIII is used with a RLVBBS2 then the positional accuracy is increased to 40cm 95% CEP. The height accuracy is improved to 1M 95%CEP
2cm Positional accuracy:
If the VBOXIII has an RTK upgrade option installed and is used with a RLVBBS3 then the positional accuracy is increased to 2cm.
Note: When the VBOX is used in RTK mode the maximum log rate is 50Hz. In RTK mode the VBOXIII must be used in open environments with no
trees or buildings within at least 50M of the test track, or the accurate RTK mode will dropout and take up to 3 minutes to regain RTK lock.
Enabling the DGPS modes.
The VBOX must have the correct DGPS mode enabled in software before it is capable of receiving and using the DGPS correction information transmitted by
a Local Basestation.
Run the latest VBOXTools software
Enter the VBOX setup screen and go to the GPS page
Click on the DGPS button and select the correct DGPS mode from the available option
Close the VBOXsetup screen.
A live window can be created and set to the standard channel „DGPS‟. Then when the DGPS correction information is received from the Local Basestation
the live window will display „ON‟.