Commissioning / Operation
Safety instructions:
• There is a risk of injury during the turning process due to unpredictable movements of
the implement and the risk of being sandwiched between packer and trailed implement.
It is therefore forbidden to stand in the swivel and working area of the combination
during use.
• It is forbidden to stand between packer and trailing roller during raising and lowering.
Additional crushing and shearing points between packer and trailed implement occur
during lifting of the packer.
• Riding on the implement for checking or other purposes is not permitted.
• The trailed implement must be put into its working position before use.
• When using the trailed implement on a double furrow packer of the DUPA 700 series,
always swivel and lock the upper linkage support of the packer into the bottom position
in order to prevent obstruction of the roller drawbar during the turning process.
Trailed packers are used for further crumbling and recompaction of the soil for seed bed preparation.
Due to their passive tools, very good working results up to the finished seed bed can be achieved
with them on light to medium soil. They are of course less suitable for locations with heavy to very
heavy soil.
The trailed implement is connected to the packer using the pivot pin (swivel) above the packer frame.
During ploughing, the packer is as usual released shortly before the end of the furrow at the head
line. After catching the packer for the next furrow, the packer first pushes the trailed implement back
a little, passes it and turns it in the new running direction.
Due to the attachment of the trailed implement in the upper area of the packer frame,
the frame is inevitably tilted to the back. Therefore, a support skid for the trailed implement
drawbar is always required for single-furrow packers. An additional pulling chain to support
the packer frame against tipping must be provided for the packer attachment in the case
of bed plough operation.
The work pattern of the roller can vary due to the asymmetrical cam shape of the roller rings.
If a higher proportion of larger clods on the surface is desired, the roller can be changed over from
the standard passive setting to active by turning the row of rollers on the frame. This increases the
casting effect.
In rare cases, jamming of individual stones between the cam rings can happen on stony locations
for certain types and sizes of stones; this can result in blocking the ring concerned when the scraper
is reached. It can be helpful at such locations to completely remove the scraper bar. The jammed
stones usually detach themselves on their own after a short time.
Subject to technical modifications