Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 20-101-0455 - COMPUTER SGL-BOARD ETH BL2010
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Wildcat (BL2000)
3.6 D/A Converter Outputs
Figure 18 shows the analog voltage reference circuit.
Figure 18. Analog Reference Voltages
This circuit generates the 4.096 V reference voltage, which is used by the A/D converter
and optionally by the two D/A converters. This sets the operating range of the A/D con-
verter and the D/A converters (0–4.096 V). To use the full accuracy of the A/D converter
and the D/A converters, this voltage must be accurate to the same degree.
Under normal operation, the 453
resistor is not installed. The reference zener diode in
combination with the 100
resistor form a shunt regulator. The 4.096 V reference voltage
then feeds the A/D converter, the D/A converters, and the voltage divider composed of the
10 k
and the 14 k
resistors. The voltage divider generates a second reference voltage of
1.707 V to feed the four op-amps for the buffered A/D converter inputs.
The reference voltage can be ratiometric rather than absolute. This is done by removing
the zener diode and installing the 453
resistor. With this arrangement, the reference
voltages follow changes in the power supply voltages Vcc and V+, which is a filtered ver-
sion of Vcc. This type of measurement circuit is preferred by some customers whose sen-
sors are powered from the Vcc supply and hence the outputs track Vcc.
A jumper on header JP3 allows the D/A converters to be powered either from the 4.096 V
reference (factory default) or from the analog V. The D/A converters use their
power source also as the reference input, so normally powering the D/A converters from
the more accurate 4.096 V reference is best. However, should a customer desire more
dynamic range (0–5 V rather than 0–4.096 V), the jumper across JP3 can be set to power
the D/A converters from +V. When powered from the +V supply, the outputs of the D/A
converters will always be ratiometric, independent of whether the zener diode is installed.
10 k
14 k
100 nF
100 nF
3 2
+ V
4.096 V ref diode
33 / 95
33 / 95