Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 101-0453 - MODULE RABBITCORE RCM2300
Contact us: [email protected] Website: www.integrated-circuit.com
Getting Started Manual
Fifteen additional connection points are available along one edge of the RCM2300 board.
These connection points are 0.030" diameter holes spaced 0.05" apart. Nineteen additional
connection points are available at locations J2 and J3. These additional connection points
are reserved for future use.
1.2 Development Software
The RCM2300 uses the Dynamic C development environment for rapid creation and
debugging of runtime applications. Dynamic C provides a complete development environ-
ment with integrated editor, compiler and source-level debugger. It interfaces directly with
the target system, eliminating the need for complex and unreliable in-circuit emulators.
Dynamic C must be installed on a Windows workstation with at least one free serial
(COM) port for communication with the target system. See Chapter 3, “Software Installa-
tion & Overview,” for complete information on installing Dynamic C.
The RCM2300 requires Dynamic C v7.04 or later for development. A compati-
ble version is included on the Development Kit CD-ROM.
1.3 How to Use This Manual
Getting Started
manual is intended to give users a quick but solid start with the
RCM2300 module.
1.3.1 Additional Product Information
Detailed information about the RabbitCore RCM2300 is provided in the
RCM2300 User’s Manual
provided on the accompanying CD-ROM in both HTML and
Adobe PDF format.
Some advanced users may choose to skip the rest of this introductory manual and proceed
directly with the detailed hardware and software information in the User’s manual.
We recommend that anyone not thoroughly familiar with Rabbit Semiconductor
or Z-World products at least read through the rest of this manual to gain the necessary
familiarity to use the more advanced information.
1.3.2 Additional Reference Information
In addition to the product-specific information contained in the
RabbitCore RCM2300
User’s Manual
, two other reference manuals are provided in HTML and PDF form on the
accompanying CD-ROM. Advanced users will find these references valuable in develop-
ing systems based on the RCM2300.
Dynamic C User’s Manual
Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor User’s Manual
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