Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 101-0453 - MODULE RABBITCORE RCM2300
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RabbitCore RCM2300
3.4 Starting Dynamic C
Once the RabbitCore module is set up and connected as described in Chapter 2 and
Dynamic C has been installed, start Dynamic C by double-clicking on the Dynamic C
icon. Dynamic C should start, then look for the target system on the COM port you speci-
fied during installation (by default, COM1). Once detected, Dynamic C should go through
a sequence of steps to cold-boot the module and compile the BIOS.
If you receive the message beginning
"BIOS successfully compiled and
you are ready to continue with the sample programs in the next section.
3.4.1 Communication Error Messages
If you receive the message
"No Rabbit Processor Detected"
the programming
cable may be connected to a different
port, a connection may be faulty, or the target
system may not be powered up. First, check to see that the power LED on the Prototyping
Board is lit. If it is, check both ends of the programming cable to ensure that it is firmly
plugged into the PC and the RCM2300’s programming port, with the pin-1 edge of the
cable matched to the pin-1 mark on the board. If you are using the Prototyping Board,
ensure that the module is firmly and correctly installed in its connectors.
If there are no faults with the hardware, select a different COM port within Dynamic C.
From the
menu, select
Project Options
, then select
. The
dialog shown should appear.
Select another
port from the list, then click OK. Press
to force Dynamic C
to recompile the BIOS. If Dynamic C still reports it is unable to locate the target system,
repeat the above steps until you locate the active
If you receive the “BIOS successfully compiled …” message after pressing
starting Dynamic C, and this message is followed by a communications error message, it
is possible that your PC cannot handle the 115,200 bps baud rate. Try changing the baud
rate to 57,600 bps as follows.
Locate the
Serial Options
dialog in the Dynamic C
Options > Project Options >
menu. Change the baud rate to 57,600 bps. Then press
restart Dynamic C.
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