Organisational Measures
Always keep this operating manual within easy reach and at the place of use of the Mobile Lifter.
In addition to the operating manual, observe and instruct on generally applicable legal and other binding
regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection.
Supplement the operating manual with further instructions, including supervisory and reporting duties, to
take account of special operational features (e.g. with regard to work organisation, work processes, person-
nel employed).
Before starting work on the Mobile Lifter, the person responsible for its operation must have read the oper-
ating instructions, especially the chapter
. This applies in particular to personnel who only occa-
sionally work on the Mobile Lifter.
Check that work is carried out in a safety-conscious and hazard-conscious manner and in compliance with
the operating manual.
When using additional machines on the Mobile Lifter, read the respective operating instructions and keep
them handy. Pay particular attention to the respective safety and hazard information.
In case of safety-relevant changes to the Mobile Lifter or its operating behaviour, shut down the entire sys-
tem immediately and report the fault to the responsible office/person.
Use personal protective equipment as necessary or required by regulations.
Do not make any modifications, additional attachments or conversions to the Mobile Lifter without the
manufacturer's approval! This will compromise safety and invalidate the manufacturer's warranty and any
liability claim.
Spare parts must meet the technical requirements specified by the manufacturer. The exclusive use of origi-
nal spare parts ensures this. Therefore, only use original spare parts from the manufacturer.
Observe the fire alarm and firefighting possibilities. Make the location and operation of fire extinguishers
(fire class ABC) known. Do not use water!
Personnel Selection and Qualification - Basic Duties
The design and operation of the Mobile Lifter is equally suitable for right- and left-handers.
The Mobile Lifter is designed to be operated by a single person. Other persons in the vicinity of the Mobile
Lifter must keep a suitable safety distance.
Work on and with the Mobile Lifter may only be carried out by reliable personnel.
Observe the legal minimum age!
Only use trained or instructed personnel. Clearly define the responsibilities of the personnel for operating,
setting up, maintaining and repairing!
Ensure that only authorised personnel work on the Mobile Lifter!
If personnel to be trained or apprenticed have to work on the Mobile Lifter, this may only be done under
the constant supervision of an experienced resp. qualified person.
Work on pneumatic equipment may only be carried out by authorised and trained personnel.
Work on the electrical equipment of the Mobile Lifter may only be carried out by a qualified electrician or by
instructed persons under the direction and supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the elec-
trotechnical regulations.