Symbols in Safety Instructions
The Mobile Lifter is designed and manufactured according to the current state of the art. Nevertheless, residual
hazards may occur during handling. In this operating manual, possible dangers and residual risks are pointed out
at appropriate places.
Safety instructions are provided with corresponding danger symbols which have the following meanings:
Safety Instruction
Reading and applying the operating manual is mandatory for the operating personnel.
Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to serious or possibly fatal injury.
General danger symbol, which requires the highest attention!
Failure to observe may result in damage to the equipment, serious injury or even death.
This symbol warns of the dangers of electric voltage!
Failure to observe may result in damage to the equipment, serious injury or even death.
Reference to a prohibited zone under a lifted load!
Do not enter! There is an increased risk of injury or even death.
Reference to a prohibited zone on a platform!
Do not enter! There is an increased risk of injury or even death.
Reference to a possible crushing hazard!
Non-observance increases the risk of injury to hands and fingers!
Reference to a possible crushing hazard!
Non-observance increases the risk of injury to feet and toes!
Possible dangerous crushing hazard in the area of stationary objects!
Risk of personal injury and possibly additional equipment damage.
Reference to a possible hazard due to forklift traffic!
Non-observance can result in life-threatening injuries.
Reference to a possible danger under suspended loads!
Non-observance can result in life-threatening injuries.
Reference to possible tripping and slipping hazards on the floor!
Non-observance may result in minor or severe injuries.
Reference to possible environmental pollution!
Non-observance poses a risk of pollution of the environment and groundwater!
Reference to the obligation to wear safety shoes resp. protective gloves!
Non-observance may result in increased risk of injury to feet & toes or hands & fingers!
Fire hazard! Do not smoke and do not ignite open fire.
Access for unauthorized persons prohibited!
Risk of personal injury and possibly additional equipment damage.