1. Turn Lock to P
2. Enter 4444 on the TYPE key
3. The register will use now clear all reports, tables and reset the receipt and invoice
4. It will print on the journal MESSAGE# 68 (SYSTEM CLEAR)
5. Finished
16. Contrast Setting at 16-line-display
Variant A from version XX030307
1. PARAMETER 100 is used to set the contrast.
2. Switch key lock to P-mode and enter 1 + TYPE + 100 + X.
3. The contrast value can be set between 10 and 24, default is 17.
4. If the entered value is zero or outside this range, the contrast is set back to default.
5. When finished the contrast setting press the TYPE key or turn back the key lock.
Variant B from version XX030507
1. The contrast can now be adjusted directly with two keys in R-mode.
2. Start contrast setting by entering 9999 on the SUBTOTAL key in R-Mode or on the
TYPE key in P-mode. You can also create a MACRO key for this.
3. The register will display the current value of Parameter 100 on the operator display
and fill the remaining with test strings.
4. To increase the contrast, press the LINE UP or PAGE UP key and to decrease the
contrast press the LINE DOWN or PAGE DOWN key.
5. The register will adjust the contrast by one step at a time. Note that after reaching
the minimum or maximum value the contrast is set back to default.
6. When finished changing the contrast press the CLEAR key or turn the key lock.
7. The contrast setting is only possible if all receipts are closed.
1.50.417180 BA-englisch GB QMP3000 Quorion CE (Stand: 05.02.09)