8.4 Keyboard Levels
Keyboard levels are used to change the complete programming of the keyboard. As a result it is not only
possible to change PLU- and department keys, but all functions. It is therefore very easy to activate time-
or season-dependant actions and functions without re-programming the POS.
Depending on the programming, the keyboard level will be reset automatically after an item, a transaction,
or not at all. In that case you must reset the keyboard level manually by choosing another level with the
corresponding key.
Please make sure to program keys for resetting the level in all keyboard levels. Otherwise it is not possible
to reset a certain level manually.
9. Balance Functions (Tables)
9.1 Open and Close a Balance
Tables are used to temporary store several open balances. This function is mainly used in hospitality
settings in order to save and sort all items per table. Furthermore, it can be used in hotels to save room
accounts or in retail applications to save accounts per customer. The QMP 2000 series therefore support
three independent memory configurations for tables, rooms and accounts.
The functionality of these configurations is same. Therefore they are all assigned to Balance functions. In
this manual all functions are described under the heading of tables. However, all of them are operated the
same way regardless it they are tables, rooms or accounts.
To save a table, assign a certain number to the open receipt. Usually this number must be entered before
the initial order. Depending on the programming it is also possible to enter this number at the end of the
transaction and book the receipt to tables afterwards.
You may either enter the table number directly and press the ”Table” key afterwards or press the “Table”
key first and select a table number with the cursor keys thereafter.
: Open table 1:
: Select table from the list:
Once you completed the current order, you may close the table by pressing the “Table” key again. All items
are saved to the table memory now. Depending on the programming certain items will be sent to the
kitchen printer.