After a wrong answer has been given , press Continue. The buzzer of the person who answered
incorrectly will be locked out (it will remain red), the other buzzers will light up green, meaning they
are ready to be pressed again. (Note : you can also continue when a correct answer has been given.
In this case the buzzer is also locked out).
Stops the question, buzzer are all red and cannot be pressed
Answer (not applicable for the QuizXpress cubes)
Can be used for multiple choice questions. after pressing the answer button, the player who was the
fastest buzzer can send over A,B,C or D to the remote control by pressing one of the multiple choice
buttons on the buzzer. The answer given will appear on the remote control. After seeing the answer
on the remote control, press the green or red checkmark as described above.
If you do not want any sounds to be played, press the Mute button
Mode button
The buzzer system has three modes. By pressing the Mode button you can switch between these
modes. The currently selected mode is indicated on the remote control by a small dot on the right
hand side of the presentation screen of the remote. The modes are:
The Normal mode – this is the mode that is described above in the manual
Set Max ID – Use this to set the ID of the highest buzzer that is used. In order to do this, use
the green checkmark and the red checkmark to resp. increase \ decrease the ID. When the ID
has been selected, press the Start button.
Set Buzz ID – Assign an ID to a buzzer. Select the ID that you want to assign by pressing the
green checkmark and the red checkmark to resp. increase\decrease the ID. Then the ID has
been selected, press the Start button. The display will now show “>>>”. Now, on the buzzer
that you wish to assign the ID, press the B the big button of the buzzer. It will now
flash a green light and the remote will display ‘OK’ indicating that the buzzer was correctly
assigned the ID.
F1 – F2
Currently not used