Q u i n t e z z L o c a t o r
9 English
Once you have chosen the correct file with users data in this display, these data are saved into the
LOCATOR. This file has to be on the PC hard disk, not on internet nor on a network. If all data are
saved in the QUINTEZZ LOCATOR, the following display will appear:
As users data can be freely exchanged between the users, it is also possible to download the users
data from the QUINTEZZ LOCATOR into the PC.
If you press the ‘Read User Data’ button, all users data are sent from the QUINTEZZ LOCATOR to
the PC. The following display appears:
These data can be used to make your new locations available to others. These new locations will
be the last to be added to the Users memory of your QUINTEZZ LOCATOR. So, in the following
display you will be able to choose either to save all locations, or for example only the last 3 new
Once you have decided to save everything (in this case you do not have to change anything) or a
specified number of locations, you click ‘Save as’. Here you indicate under which name and where on
the PC you would like the file to be saved. The data are now available on the PC and can be exchanged
with other users.
The help function is intended for clarification. If the ‘Help’ button is clicked, a copy of the QUINTEZZ
LOCATOR PC Software is started. This copy does not operate, but it provides information on all the
buttons that are clicked.
With the ‘Close’ button the program is closed. When data are transferred between the PC and
the QUINTEZZ LOCATOR, closing can lead to software failures. That is why after having clicked
the ‘Close’ button, you are to confirm once again that you really want to close.
07.03.2006, 17:42