User Manual
January 2005
Page 4
Quintet is an electronic music instrument designed for switch users in order that
they can play music. It can be used in a group situation with children, or, as a
solo instrument.
Five switches can be connected to the Quintet and therefore you can have up to
five players. By pressing and releasing their switch each player can step through
the notes of a song, tap out a tempo, play the chords of a melody or trigger
complete sections of songs !
Within the Quintet there are 128 different instruments to choose from including
“tubular bells”, “guitar”, “saxophone” and “drums”. Each player can be assigned a
different instrument and in this way a whole orchestra or band can be formed !
Accompanying the Quintet is a set of resource packs. These packs contain 10
songs or exercises. The songs are designed so that skills in music, such as
timing and turn-taking, can be learnt, alongside having fun!
Each resource pack has an associated electronic memory card. This card
contains all the musical information for the 10 songs of the pack. By plugging the
card into a slot at the back of the Quintet and following the instructions further on
in this manual the music for the 10 songs can be transferred into the Quintet (the
Quintet is shipped with the music from pack A already transferred).
On the front panel of the Quintet a 10 position rotary switch allows you to choose
which song or exercise you want to play. Follow the instructions in the resource
pack on how to use each of the 5 switches.
You are not limited to the music contained in the resource packs. In fact the
Quintet is designed so that you can quickly begin to record your own songs and
make your own exercises. Simply connect a standard keyboard and follow the
instructions further on in this manual.
If you do start to record your own songs and exercises you can make permanent
copies by transferring the music in the Quintet onto a blank memory card. These
blank cards are sold separately to the Quintet and are available from through
your supplier.
Before you use your Quintet please read this manual carefully and perform the
tests on page 6. In particular familiarise yourself with the sections on
Maintenance and Safety. If you are in any doubt contact your supplier.