startup program to either the scheduler screen. The second setting refers to
the display format of the date and time. For example, if you want time displayed
in military time, select
24 hour
for the time format.
*Features apply to QuickPAD PRO with Modem option:
Export files to Microsoft Outlook –
You can transfer personal organizer files to
Microsoft Outlook by pressing
from any main screen in the personal organizer.
4.1. T
Technical support is available at no charge with the purchase of your QuickPAD Pro.
Hours are 9:00
. to 5:30
. Monday
Friday Pacific Standard Time.
Toll Free
(800) 373-8181
Technical Support
(650) 961-9114
(650) 964-2426
Mailing Address
QuickPAD Technology Corporation
465 Fairchild Drive, Suite #103
Mountain View, CA 94043
Set IR speed –
The speed utility allows you to slow down the upload rate when sending
data from the QuickPAD Pro to your PC or Mac. Depending on the speed of your
computer and software, QuickPAD may transmit data too quickly and, as a result, some
characters may be lost in the transfer. If you notice that you are losing characters when
transferring data, lower the transmission rate by selecting a lower number in the IR speed
PC/MAC mode –
Using the up and down arrow keys, you can toggle between PC
mode and Macintosh mode. Select the mode corresponding to the type of computer
you are using
: Macintosh mode will work with PC
s as well, but transmission
speed will be 50% slower.
USB Delay –
The second changeable field corresponds to the delay for initializing the
USB interface on your computer. On some computers, it takes up to 10 seconds to
load the USB software drivers. If your USB connection is not activating or if it misses
the beginning of the data transfer, set the USB delay to a higher value.
View version specifications –
To view the current version information, select the GET
VERSION box or press
3. The current specifications will be listed at the very bottom of
the screen.
Change user name –
After selecting the CHANGE USER NAME box, enter a new
name (up to 24 characters) and press
to save changes and return to the options
This setting will not change user
It only changes the actual name
corresponding to the current user.
Change or enter a password –
To change an existing password or enter a new password
corresponding to the current user, select the CHANGE PASSWORD box from the
options menu. You will be prompted to enter a password 5
8 characters long. Once you
have entered a password, press
and then re-enter it at the next prompt.
Change user mode –
There are two user modes supported by QuickPAD Pro: single-user
and multi-user. To determine which mode is best for your needs, see section 1.3.3 on user
modes. To change the mode, select the CHANGE USER MODE box from the options
menu and refer to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. Press
if you wish to change
the mode.
You can switch back and forth between single-user and multi-user
modes without discarding user profiles. Files created by a user in multi-user mode will be
accessible only to that user, and will not be available in single-user mode. In other words,
if user
4 creates a spreadsheet file and saves it to his/her personal directory, the only
way to access that file is in multi-user mode signed in as user
Set idle time –
The idle timeout refers to the number of minutes QuickPAD will wait
before powering down. The minimum time is 1 minute and the maximum time is 75
minutes. From the main options menu, select
8 or highlight the box labeled MORE
SETUP. This will bring up the second setup screen. Now select the box labeled SET
IDLE TIMEOUT. At the prompt, enter the desired idle timeout and press
to exit
and save changes.
file transfer (see section 2.3.3) and import them into MS Outlook using “ Comma
Separated (DOS) or (Windows) Format”. Export files to the CALENDAR folder
for appointments and the CONTACTS folder for contacts in the Microsoft Outlook directory.
Export files
– The export function will convert your files to (.csv) format
and save them in the "...\PERSORG" directory. You can then access these files through