Pro will attempt to detect the first attachment and display the name of the attachment
only. Most email messages are sent in a dual format even when you have only typed a
short message to someone. The messages are sent as pure text and as HTML, which will
include font selection, highlighting and formatting of the message. The PRO will display
only the text portion of the message. In some rare cases, messages that are sent by
automated advertising
are sent only in HTML. In those cases you will receive
what appears to be a blank message.
The latest hardware revision of the QuickPAD PRO includes a built in NiMh (Nickel
Metal Hydride) battery charger with an external 12VDC power supply that plugs into a
small jack at the back of the unit. The PRO accepts 4 batteries of AA size, and while
there are many types of rechargeable batteries, it is designed only to charge the NiMh
types, in approximately 8 or 9 hours. When fully charged, the PRO charger then switches
charge. When fully charged you may expect to use the PRO for at least 2
days of heavy use. With moderate or occasional use the PRO may run for 6 or 7 days
without re-charge.
You may monitor battery status from the main menu by pressing SHIFT and F1 keys
simultaneously. The status display shows whether the external power supply is attached,
and whether the batteries are charging or being trickle charged, which indicates the
batteries have reached the fully charged state. New fully charged NiMh batteries will
read about 5.7 volts with the external power supply plugged in, and approximately 5.5
volts without external power. No power is being drawn from the batteries with the
external power supply is plugged in. As the batteries age you can expect the voltage
readings to become lower in the fully charged state, and they will discharge faster. You
should check the NiMh battery voltage occasionally and plug in the external power when
they reach approximately 4.5 volts. The QuickPAD PRO will actually operate with
battery voltage down to 4.1 volts or less, but this is not recommended for NiMh batteries
as they may develop an internal short if they drop too low. The PRO was designed to
operate at this low battery voltage in order to extract all available power from standard
alkaline batteries, which are not rechargeable. If you ever get a reading below 4.1 volts
the built in battery charger may not be able to revive the NiMh batteries. In that case,
you may be able to recharge the batteries in a high power one-hour charger, if one is
1.1. O
Thank you for your purchase of QuickPAD Pro, a durable, compact, lightweight
notebook designed to enable easy access to notebook applications and e-mail for those on
the go. Simple plug-and-play features allow instant access to word processing,
spreadsheet, data entry, personal organizer, scheduler and calculator functions – no need
for IT resources. This manual has been written to help you become familiar with these
functions and to make sure that you can take full advantage of the QuickPAD Pro and all
of its features.
This section is designed to help you gain a general knowledge of the QuickPAD Pro
hardware and software. Included is an overview of QuickPAD’s physical layout and a
reference guide to the menu system and software applications. A quick start checklist is
provided for the first-time user. The second section,
Using QuickPAD Pro,
information related to managing your files, setup communicating with a personal
computer. The third section is a comprehensive guide to QuickPAD’s applications,
functions, commands and features. Refer to this section for information regarding the
Word Processor, Calculator, Spreadsheet, and Personal Organizer functions. Finally, the
Contact & Support section provides necessary support telephone numbers, other ways to
contact QuickPAD Technology Corporation and warranty information.
1.2. U
Warranty Card Registration
USB Cable (black)
Serial Cable (white)
User’s Manual
Four (4) AA Batteries
Carrying Case